Citeste regulile si aplica-le

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Astazi am de zis ceva ce nu face parte din ghidul Clarei, dar simt ca este necesar.

Dragilor, cand v-ati inscris pe Wattpad, ati citit (sau ati dat repede cu mouse-ul in jos), niste paragrafe despre regulile de conduita pe acest site. Printre altele, era vorba si despre ce NU aveti voie sa postati (pentru ca dauneaza sanatatii mintale).

Ei bine, in caz ca ati omis cu buna stiinta acele paragrafe, am sa le repun aici. In engleza. O sa le traduc (daca o sa le traduc) cand o sa am timp. 

"We are, flat out, not going to allow any content that is unlawful, obscene, defamatory, libelous, threatening, pornographic, harassing, hateful, racially offensive, or otherwise inappropriate. If you upload any of this type of content, you can be sure we will remove it." - Si pot spune cu mana pe inima, ca astea nu-s vorbe goale, ci echipa Wattpad chiar se tine de aceasta promisiune cu promptitudine, de indata ce se face o raportare.

Prohibited Content:

Hate speech - Don’t actively promote hatred against individuals or groups, on the basis of race, ethnic origin, religion, disability, gender, age, or sexual orientation.

Abuse and cyber-bullying - We aim to create a safe community on Wattpad - no abuse or cyber-bullying allowed! Be kind and treat others as you would want to be treated.

Pedophilia - Zero tolerance.

Pornography - Any explicit content with the sole purpose of intending to arouse will be removed. Rape/non-consensual sex - Glorification of an illegal act will be removed.

Self-harm and suicide - Don’t post content that encourages or supports any type of self-harm and suicide. We aim to create a positive community that facilitates support, recovery and awareness but never glorifies harmful activities.

Any other inappropriate or illegal content


If you want to add a story to Wattpad, make sure you wrote it, you own the rights to it, or you have received permission to upload it from the person who does own the rights.

Pentru a raporta o poveste care incalca aceste reguli:

Cum sa ne comportam pe WattpadUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum