Chapter 3: When Paths Cross What Would You Call it?

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Chapter 3


                                    When Paths Cross What Would You Call it?

Havalir dashed out the door sprinting across the field, but the footsteps behind him kept pace. Cold air swirled a cloud of the bittersweet odors drifting on the four winds around him, waking up the snow that nestled on the land. Breathing hard, he fought down the impulse to turn around and embrace whatever fate offered. As the edges of his vision blurred, his jaw locked in determination. His blood quickened. He focused straight ahead, every fiber of his being on fire from his fear, his fury for the person who had turned him from a prince to a fugitive running scared.

How could he have been found so quickly?

His body jerked awake as his brain registered a faint tinny bell. Up ahead, a cyclist fast approached on the same path. Hands gripped him by the waist and yanked him away before he could collide with the speeding mass ahead. He yelped, his backpack sliding off his shoulder, his heart lodged in his throat, his painting equipment scattered across the pavement. A splash of red and black staining the snow covered pavement.

He fought against the arms which held him firmly from behind.

‘Let me go!’ he tried to break free as the cyclist speed by flinging him a curse instead of an apology, he hadn’t heard, ‘I’m not going back!’

He was flung to the side as a bolt of lightning struck the earth. Shit he missed!

Taking his assailant for a loop he squirmed his way out of his grasp.

‘Would you calm the hell down,’ a firm hand caught his wrist before he could take off.

Wait what? For a moment he stopped his struggling to get a look at the person who held him captive. With eyes shining a radiant bright blue he prepared himself for the worst. He was never known for his physical strength since he was pretty damn sure he had none and he was as low on power as it could go. But lightning was his born element he could rely on it as long as he had breath but would it be enough to take this guy down.

He had sensed the attacked coming soon enough to dodge the blow.


Who was this guy?

‘Are you even remotely aware of the fact that you almost got yourself killed twice, you idiot,’ Gabriel snapped pulling Havalir out of the road and onto the side walk.

 Havalir glanced around. He was just running he wasn’t paying attention to where he was going all that mattered to him was getting away.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2014 ⏰

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