Chapter 14: Susie vs Lancer

Start from the beginning

"Hey, idiots! Can you shut up!? I'm trying to concentrate!"

Vixen and Ralsei jumped, due to them being both surprised, and startled.
"S-Susie!? Where are you!?" Ralsei called for her. "I dunno, prison?" Susie remarked sarcastically, rolling her eyes. "Seriously though. I'm outta my cell. I sweet-talked the warden into giving me the keys." She stated, sounding proud. "Susie!? Really!? How?" Ralsei asked, surprised. "Yeah, how?!" Chara reiterated, shocked with her eyes wide.

Susie turned around to the garbage can, which she had thrown the warden into. "I, uh, "invited" him to visit the trash can." She replied. "...You threw him into the garbage. Didn't you...?" Chara asked. "Yep!" Susie replied, grinning proudly. "Heh, nice." Chara stated. Susie then turned back to the wall. "Anyway, now there's a puzzle in the way." She said, looking at the card-symbol puzzle beside her.
"OK! Solve it, Susie!" Ralsei encouraged sweetly, like the little fluff muffin he is.

"I... Um... Don't do... Puzzles." Susie awkwardly remarks, as silence befell everyone for what felt like the umpteenth time. "Hey, how 'bout we just sit tight and wait for Lancer? He lives in the castle, he's bound to come save us." She suggested, clearly not wanting to do the puzzle. "Um, no offense, Susie, but... I don't think we have time for that..." Vixen stated, trying her hardest not to aggravate the temperamental girl.

"...Why don't Kris and I just help you solve the puzzle?" Ralsei kindly offered. "Look, I don't NEED your help." Susie remarked, dismissively. After a moment, she spoke up again.
"...But, uh, if you said what to do, out loud, Y'know, I wouldn't stop you." She stated with some not-so subtle hints. "Kris, tell Susie what to do." Ralsei quietly instructed.

Before anyone knew it, Kris had helped Susie with the puzzle, and the gate keeping her locked in had opened. "Yes! We did it!" Susie cheered, feeling accomplished. "Great! Now come and free us!" Ralsei instructed, encouragingly. "Alright, alright!" Susie said, before exiting. Ralsei turned to look at Kris.

"...Thanks for helping her, Kris. She appreciates it." He said, smiling gently. He looked at the girls along with Kris. "Guys... Are you worried about Susie?" He asked. Kris shook his head no before signing, 'No, not really.' "I'm not that worried either. Not for her, anyway. Its the GUARDS we should be worried for, heh." Chara said with a slight laugh. "I'm sure she can hold her own, Ralsei. From what I've seen, she's pretty strong. So I wouldn't worry." Vixen replied.

"Well, regardless of how you feel... I don't think it would hurt to take a moment... Close your eyes, and think about what she's doing now..." Ralsei instructed, as everyone did so.


Susie was now wandering the corridors, trying to find a way to get her teammates out of their cell.
'Alright... Out of the cell... Where to next...?' She questioned internally. Just then, she heard a faint, male's voice telling her to go right. It didn't exactly sound like Ralsei, and it DEFINITELY wasn't one of the sisters, so that only left...

"Huh...? Kris...? Did you say something back there?" Susie asked, looking over her shoulder. She expected to hear a response, but she heard nothing. '...I can't hear them anymore...' She thought to herself, as she turned to left. "...I'll just go this way." She finally decided, whispering as to not be heard. She went left, only to discover it was a dead end. "...Well, that's a dead end..." She mumbled.

All of a sudden, she heard Lancer's voice from somewhere behind her, causing her to whip around. Due to how faint it was, she couldn't hear what was being said. 'Th... That's Lancer's voice!' She thought, quietly speed-walking towards the direction where she heard Lancer's voice. She was stopped short however, as she had found another card-symbol puzzle.

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