Part 15

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6 weeks later
Ellie's POV
It was my first day of maternity leave, and I wasn't excited. I woke up at the same time as Nick, but he insisted I try to go back to sleep. I, of course, disagreed. He had only left for work an hour ago and I was incredibly bored. I pulled a book off the shelf and curled up on the couch and started reading.
A few hours later, and ten chapters into my book, I got a text.
NT- Hey, Babe! How're you doing?
EB- Bored as hell
NT- I'll try to get off as early as I can. We haven't gotten a case yet but I don't want to jinx it.
EB- Okay 😁
NT- gotta go before the boss man notices I'm on my phone too much. Luv ya
EB- stay out of trouble. Luv ya too
I sighed. It was nice not having to stare at a computer all day long.

Nicks POV
Right as I put my phone down, Gibbs walked in. "Torres, how's Bishop doin'," he asked. "She is, and I'm quoting her here, 'bored as hell'," I said. He chuckled. "Figured she'd be. Sloane wants you in her office," he said as he sat down at his desk. I walked up to Sloane's office and knocked on the door, curious as to why she'd want to see me. "Come in!" She called. I opened the door. "Gibbs said you needed me?" I said. "Ah, Yes. Me and Delilah were thinking about planning a surprise baby shower for Ellie. What do you think?" She asked. "I think that Ellie would love it," i said. "Great. We may need your help planning when to do it, by the way. Also, have you two talked about what's gonna happen when she has the baby? As in, the dangerous jobs you have," She said. "Uh, we were planning on talking to Gibbs about it and getting his opinion and maybe talking to Tim since he was kind of in a similar situation," I explained. "That's a good idea. Now, does Ellie have any plans this weekend?" She asked. "Uh, not that I know of," i said. "Great. If a case doesn't pop up, can you take her out to lunch Saturday afternoon?" She asked. "I'd love to. Will this require a key to our house?" I asked. "Yeah, probably," She said, smiling. I rolled my eyes and laughed. "I'll make you a copy," I said before heading to the door. "Thanks, Nick," She said as I walked out. "You're welcome," I replied.

Ellie's POV
I looked at the clock. 6:30. I decided to text Nick to see if he's gonna be home soon.
EB- Hey, are you coming home soon?
NT- Yeah, about to leave the office
Finally, someone else besides me in this lonely house.
Soon enough, Nick walked in the door. "Hey, how was your first day of maternity leave?" He asked. I sighed. "Wait, lemme guess, boring as hell," he blurted out. I laughed. "Bingo!" I said. "Hey, so, I was talking to Jack today and she was asking about after the baby is born, what we're gonna do and all that. It got me wondering when we are gonna talk to Gibbs and McGee," he said. "Uh, whenever we have time I guess. You're gonna have to make the plans since I don't get to see them all day, every day anymore," I said. He smiled. "I'll talk to them tomorrow," he said. "Okay," I replied. "So, what's for dinner?" He asked. "Kinda In the mood for Italian food," I said. He nodded. "I could go to that drive through Italian place if you want," he suggested. "Can I come with?" I asked. "Of course you can," he said. I smiled and got my shoes on.

Saturday morning
Nicks POV
"Hey, Ellie, i was thinking maybe we could go out to lunch today," I suggested. "Okay, where are we going?" She asked. "Wherever you want," I replied. She smiled. "How about that new French Bistro down the street?" She said. "That sound delicious," I said. "Great. When are we leaving?" She asked. "How about thirty minutes?" I said. She nodded and went to get ready. I got dressed in some nicer clothes, and by the time I was done, Ellie was ready to go. Soon, we walked out the door and got in the car. When we got to the Bistro, I texted Jack.
NT- We are out of the house, at the Bistro down the street
JS- got it. We are gonna start setting up
NT- Okay Great
Thankfully, Ellie didn't notice anything suspicious about me.
We soon got seated and ordered our food.

Jacks POV
Delilah and I snuck I to Ellie and Nick's house and started setting up the baby shower. Soon, guests started arriving. Since Ellie wasn't outside of work very often, it was mostly just the team, plus Jimmy, Breena, Ducky, Nick's sister and niece, And Kasie. The place looked great. Then, I got a text from Nick.
NT- on our way. Get ready!
I smiled. "Guys, they're on their way!" I said. Everyone quickly moved around and got ready for them to open the door. I heard the lock click before the door opened. "Surprise!" We all yelled. Ellie's face immediately lit up. "Hey!" She said. She walked into the living room, where we had tables set up with a few snacks and stuff. "Who planned this?" She asked. "Jack and I, along with a little help from Nick," Delilah said. She smiled and hugged everyone. Then we all just started talking.

About an hour later
Ellie's POV
"You should open your gifts!" Ducky suggested. "Alright, Alright. I guess I could do that," I said. I sat down on the couch, Nick next to me, handing me gifts. Kasie got us a few little outfits, complete with very stylish headbands and socks. Jack gave us a stroller, though she didn't need to buy me anything since she and Delilah planned this whole shower. Tim got us some blankets and crib sheets. Ducky got a few little toys. Jimmy and Breena got us some outfits and a set of baby bath supplies. Nick's sister had gotten us some adorable little outfits. Gibbs gave us a hand-crafted, straight from his basement, bassinet that rocked, similar to the one that belonged to his daughter. There were flowers carved on it and everything. "Guys, Thank you so much! This was so fun," I said when I finished opening gifts. A "You're welcome," circled around the room. Everyone kept talking and, slowly, people started leaving. All that was left was Tim, Delilah, Gibbs, and Jack. "Gibbs, the bassinet is so beautiful. I love it," I said. "Glad you like it," he said, smiling as he hugged me. Jack started cleaning up. "Jack, you put all of this up, I can get Nick to clean up if you want," I said. "No, it's fine. I can handle it," she said. I smacked Nick's arm. "Go help her," I whispered. He nodded and walked over to help. "Delilah, Thanks so much. This was a lot of fun," I said. "Oh, it's no problem. I'm glad you liked it," she said. I smiled. "Now I'll have something to do while I'm at home for the next five weeks. I can wash and organize the baby's clothes and do stuff in the nursery," I said happily. She laughed. "I forgot how boring it is to be stuck at home while the guys get to do all the fun stuff," she said. I nodded.
"Hey, while you guys are here, Nick and i wanted to ask, what should we do when the baby comes? We both have such a dangerous job, we don't know if one of us should stop working, or really what to do at all," i said. Tim sat down on the couch and Delilah wheeled up next to it. I sat on the chair in front of them. "Well, it's a tough call to make. You're gonna want to keep the baby safe, and you're gonna want to stay safe too. I'd hate to see you quit working, Ellie. It's just whatever you think is best. You should probably talk to Gibbs and the Director about it. They might have some good advice. Since Delilah's job wasn't exactly that dangerous, we didn't have to make too much of a decision. She just started working in the office only and worked more normal hours," he explained. I nodded. "Then I guess I'll talk to Gibbs. I might go see him tomorrow," I said.
Later that night
"Thanks, Nick," I said as Nick and I crawled into bed. "For what?" He asked. "For helping organize the shower. It meant a lot that everyone could be there. It made me feel a lot less lonely, you know?" I said. He nodded. "Yeah," he sighed. "I love you," I said. "I love you too," he said as he kissed my forehead before placing a soft, passionate kiss on my lips.

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