While sitting on the edge of the couch near Kakashi's covered feet, Kushina flinched then wrapped pale arms around her stomach, and hunched over as her red hair slipped over her shoulders covering most of the grimace on her face. The dire wolf noticed how the two children stare at the Uzumaki woman with concern, while Tsunade and Minato looked a little worried and tensed. The wolf could sense the adults' chakra coil tighter as if readying for an attack. Not that she was surprised, since she could feel the malice of the nine-tailed fox pressing harshly again the seal on Kushina, and she doubt that the adults in this pack have informed the children of the unique situation the Uzumaki woman is in. Auel felt a tinge of anger for the cruelty of the seal, that forcefully bound Kurama to a human that hates his very presence. Not that she blames Kushina it is obvious that the Uzumaki was not given a choice on the matter.

"Are you well, Lady Kushina?" Auel questions, as she sensed Kurama's anger aimed at her. Not that she blames the nine-tailed fox for that either. After all, she and her pack remain free, while the other tailed beasts are caged.

"Yeah, the big guy is just not a big fan of your kind," Kushina replied in an apologetic tone. However, she was surprised that the wolf didn't look surprised by the answer.

"Considering my relation to the tailed beasts, I am not surprised," Auel muttered, but aware that the humans present in the room could hear her.

"What relation?" Minato questioned, remembering that one of the scrolls about the tailed beasts that Kushina inherited from Mito Uzumaki, mentioned that dire wolves are a half-breed of a tailed beast.

"One that would be wise to remain unspoken," Auel spoke in a neutral tone, looking unfazed by the question. However, she did not want to speak about her mother's relations with her aunts and uncles.

The dire wolf noticed Sage's ear twitch and nostrils flare for a second. Auel had to suppress her urge to chuckle at the Husky, who was still pretending to sleep.

"Sage, are you going to pretend to be sleeping all day?" Auel questioned, with a smirk as she changed the subject. While the stares of concern and curiosity she was receiving from the adults in the room.

"I would be asleep if everyone here won't be so damn loud," the white husky grumbled, with a soft growl.

Before Sage could make any more complaints, her ears and head perked up, looking in the direction of the front door as her tail lightly thumped against the couch cushion. That caused Kakashi's grey hand to twitch, as the white fur softly batted the little Hatake's wrapped hand. However, the boy only stirred a little, before falling asleep again. While Minato stretch out his chakra, but could not sense anything around them, even the wolves, but he believes that the wolves are just suppressing their chakra.

"What is it?" The Namikaze questioned, seeing Sage's reaction to a sign of the newcomer being not a threat.

"Kyo's back!" Sage spoke with excitement hidden in a neutral tone. Before getting up shaking out her white fur and carefully lay stretched out next to Kakashi with her head next to the little Hatake's head.

"Indeed, but he's not here yet. So, let's keep our voices down all right," Auel answered softly with a small smirk.

"Sorry," Sage apologized, quietly looking at Kakashi, as if to make sure she didn't wake the boy.

"No worries, pup, it's no big deal," Auel answered with a gentle tone.

A moment later, Rin and Obito gasped, as a shadow appears under the door in the same shape as the top profile of a large wolf. The group watches and prepares themselves for a fight. Before freezing in place as they watch a five-foot-tall, dark grey wolf crawl out of the shadow on the floor. After it had gracefully flowed its way into the living through, underneath the front door. It didn't take long for Minato to realize that the shadow was actually Kyo and was curious how the wolf slipped by all his and Kushina's protection and security seals.

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