Chapter Thirty Six

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"That's really what I came here for, Niall. I didn't just come here to apologize. I don't...I don't want to live like this anymore." Bressie breathes and Niall sighs, running his hand through his hair again.


"I'm in love with you, Niall. Always have been and always will and I don't want to feel like this any more. Not when you're happy with Harry." Bressie shakes his head.

A light bulb flashes in Niall's mind then, at his voices.

"That's the real reason why you went to The Dalca. You were actually hoping they'd erase your memory."

Bressie nods slowly and Niall lets out an exasperated sigh. They both fall into a comfortable silence and that's when they start to hear dulcet tones coming from outside, indicating that Harry and Louis were arguing about something and Niall had a pretty vague idea what about. He winces a little, pinching the bridge of his nose and Bressie looks up at him, a wistful look on his face.

"Well," Niall says, clearing his throat and standing up, "You're going to have to be the one to ask."

Bressie watches in awe as he hobbles away from him.

"What?" He scoffs.

"I can't face my husband right now." Niall says quietly, placing a hand protectively around his bump as he saunters up the stairs.

Bressie grunts, pushes himself off the sofa and limps toward the front door, where he could hear raised voices from the other side coming from Harry and Louis. He hesitated a little at first before he opened the door and he walks through and Harry and Louis' head both snap up to him. Louis standing against the banister of the front porch, his arms out-stretched and looking frantic while Harry is sitting on the stairs of the porch, looking angered and irritated and his frown only deepens when he sets eyes on Bressie and he stands up, hands bawled into fists.

"You have got some nerve coming here and stirring shit up."

He charges toward Bressie again but Louis is there to stop him this time, pulling him back with his arms behind his back. Bressie gulps dryly, opening his mouth and closing it again, unsure of what to say.

"I know I shouldn't have come here, but I was desperate." He sighs and Harry and Louis exchange glances.

"I have a favour to ask you." He offers and Harry's lips press into a thin line.

"What makes you think I would do anything for you after everything you've done?" Harry scoffs and he makes an attempt charge at him but once again, Louis stops him.

"Oh, fuck off, Louis." Harry huffs, untangling himself from Louis' grasp and resting himself against the banister.

Louis held up his hands in surrender and without saying anything, he marched pat Bressie and into the house, slamming the door behind him. Harry stared regrettably after him, realizing he was probably a bit harsh but then he looked at Bressie and made a noise of disgust, causing him to look back at him.

"Look, I know you love Niall and I know you'd do anything to get me away."

Harry lets out a dry chuckle and sits down on the stairs again and Bressie follows him, sitting down next to him.

"As much as I dislike you Bressie, I don't want you away. You mean too much too Niall, I couldn't do that to him."

"He means a lot to me too, Harry," Bressie replies, "So much that I kissed him."

"What?!" Harry exclaims, hands bawled into fists again and it causes Bressie to jump, startled and he backs away from him a little bit.

"A little perspective, please, Harry." Bressie reminded him and Harry exhales deeply, running his hands down his face, looking awfully tired.

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