the great machine, and the turning of a new leaf.. prt 1

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As i was walking down the halls of beacon that lead to ozpins tower i was stopped by a sound. One i knew all to well. A ship entering the atmosphere. I ran towards the nearest window and was my jaw was agape at what i saw.

A ketch. My houses ketch. I broke through the window scaring nearby students. And running towards the court yard and turned on my comms

Rune:this is rune of house manna to the ketch entering atmosphere can you hear me

????:this is mithrizz,kell of house manna. We recived word of your distress call. Its good to hear your voice old friend.

Rune: same to you,my kell. Its good to finally speak normaly again.

Mithrizz:hahaha... So. How is this world  on vex?

Rune: non-existent

Mithrizz:FINALLY!!!!! A place we can set down that has no damn reality bending machines!

Rune:besides the humans and faunas there is only a single ghoul.

Mithrizz:...... Please tell me you are serious. By the goddess tell me your serious!

Rune:no hive,no vex,no cabal, and a single ghoul. Which you know all to well

Mithrizz:enlighten me

Rune:the father of war... Shaxx. The one that took your arm...

Mithrizz: i am on my way. I need to see him with my own eyes.

I then saw a skiff fly out of the hangars on the ketch. It had an escort of fighter variant skiffs as well. They were heading right for me when i heard ozpin shout out



ozpin practically appeared right next to me with a face of shock

Ozpin:your house!!

Rune:yes, i would prepare yourself. The kell is on his way. And he is a lot bigger than i.

By the time i turnded around the kells skiff had landed before me. It was alot bigger than a normal skiff. He is twice my size after all.

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(Ditch the devils logo and make the red blue and the orange lights purple)

I saw the ramp drop and him walk out. His arm had fully regrown i had to try so hard not to laugh at ozpins expression

Mithrizz:who is this captain?

Rune: this is professor ozpin. Headmaster of this academy.

Mithrizz:is... He okay?

Rune:he reacted the same way when i stood infront of him. He is just surprised at our hight.

Ozpin:i i am sorry for staring, but by oum your massive.

The kell gave a hearty laugh at that
He was apparently use to this

Mithrizz:every one i met has said the same thing.

He took sent his gaze at me and his head went back in shock

Mithrizz:by the goddess when was the last time you had ether?! Your practically a thrall! Nothing but skin and bones!

Ozpin looked shocked at this revelation.

Ozpin: i thought you said you had a min ether gen!

Rune: i did. It broke in the crash. I found that out when i turned it on.

Mithrizz:we are going to get you some ether right now even if i have to drag you on the skiff


At that mithrizz grabbed his arm amd dragged him onto the skiff,neither noticing the medium sized pile of rose petals on the ramp.

To be continued....

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