The names Jack

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Beep, beep, beep

The strange sound was getting annoying, ringing through (y/n)'s head.

Grunting softly, (y/n) slowly opened (h/h) eyes, squinting at the harsh light that was present. After a few moments of blinking, (y/n)'s vision grew clear to reveal a white room, a doctors room?

"Where am I?" (Y/n) tried sitting up but failed as a wave of pain thundered over (h/h) body. Looking down (h/s) noticed the bandages that cover most parts of (h/h) body.

"Don't move..."

(Y/n) glanced too the side, noticing the blue masked guy sitting in a chair.

(Y/n) lifted (h/h) hand, whipping away the tears that fell from (h/h) already puffy eyes

"Woh woh don't cry, why are you crying, does your body hurt?!" The guy rises in a panic flailing his arms around like a tube man.

"Well yeah my body hurts, but I don't think I'm crying because of that..." (y/n) rests (h/h) arm on the bed. "Where am I, what happened?".

The man was hesitant at first before speaking up with a stutter, "w-well..." he scratched the back of his neck, "I don't know what happened beforehand, just that Slenderman called me in here to bandage you up a few hours ago".

"Wait really? Where did he go?" (Y/n) asked with a stern expression.

"I don't know, he just teleported me in here, told me to bandage you then left", he sat back in his chair sighing, "so... what exactly happened in that room anyway?"

"I... I don't remember, I remember up until I slammed that door shut?", (y/n) grunted as a wave of pain ran through (h/h) head.

"Weird... there is one thing I want to know though..."

"What's that?"

"Why are you still alive?"

"What do you mean?", (y/n) furrowed (h/h) eyebrows.

"I mean, out of all of us, Slenderman is the one who can't tolerate humans the most, so when you entered that room I was certain that you where as good as dead... just who are you?"

"Well that's rude considering you haven't introduced yourself either"

"Oh right, sorry I don't usually talk to humans that long, the nicknames eyeless Jack, but you can call me Jack"

(Y/n) was both humorous and amazed at his response, "ignoring the name eyeless Jack, but more importantly does that mean those sockets aren't just a fancy trick show by the mask?!".

"Mmm, Bus accident..."

"Damn son, that's some nifty shit!" (y/n) stairs in amazement.

"What is wrong with you?", he chuckles.

"Hmmm, I'll be honest, I'm not sure with what's going on with me, first thing I'm like 8 years old next I find out that I'm actually like 18... well I suppose older now... how long have I been gone-..." (y/n) falls into a mumble.

Jack stairs at (y/n) for a moment before falling into thought. "I did not understand anything you just said".

A/n)- hey hey hey tis I the Aussie girl of your dreams (winks with both eyes) anyway this chapter kinda took a while for me to write as I'm currently at a point where it's like this story could go anywhere, still continuing it though as I do want to see how it ends. I like rewrote this chapter a couple times, each time being slightly similar but with different people lol

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