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It's been three months. The surrogate is 5 months pregnant. We've got the room done. It's painted like a night sky.  The cribs by the window,  the chest by the closet, a nice crescent moon rug in the middle.

"I can't wait." I smiled as I stood in the door way. "You ready to go?" "Yeah! " I ran out to the car. We drove for what felt like forever. "We're not late are we?!! " I yelled as I slammed the door open to the doctors office. "No sir. You're just in time. Room 4." I walked embarrassingly to room 4.

"Ahh. Mr. McLoughlin. Nice to see you again." The doctor smiled. "Hi Jack! " The surrogate waved.  "Hi Elise." "Let's get started, shall we? " I nodded and within minutes an ultrasound popped on the monitor.

I smiled, almost in tears. "You ok Jack? " Mark put his hands on my shoulders. I shook my head yes as tears slid down my face. "We're going to be daddies... " I whispered. Tears slid down my face and mark wiped them away. "I've never been so happy." He whispered.

We headed home and sat watching a movie. After a while we headed to sleep. I honestly couldn't sleep.  I woke up to a buzzed chattering. I thew on some sweats and headed out. "Uncle Jacky!!! " Claire came up and jumped I to my arms. "Claire!!!"

Marks POV

I watched as Jack tickled Claire and smiled. "He's going to be a great dad. You both will be." Signe smiled and patted my leg.
"I hope..." I sighed. "Mark you aren't giving yourself enough credit. You're an amazing guy and you'll be an amazing father." Amy held Signes hand and pecked her on the cheek.

"You guys are amazing. Were you scared when you figured out you were going to be parents." "Of course we were.. But that didn't stop us from being happy. We absolutely love Claire. She's the best thing to happen to us." Signe said smiling.

The timer rang, signaling that the lasagna was ready. "Who's ready to eat?" We all sat at the table laughing. Amy, Signe,  and Jack all drank a beer. I drank some water. We talked about how everyone met, their wedding day and what are their plans for the future.

After dinner we all gathered round the t.v. and turned on a movie. Amy and Signe cuddled on the couch.  Jack played with Claire,  chasing her around the living room.  "I'm going to get you!" He laughed. "No uncle Jacky!" She squealed.

The movies ended and Claire fell asleep on Jacks lap. Suddenly the once quiet room was filled with the emergency broadcast. "We interrupt your evening with some news.  31 year old Elise Allen was found murdered on her way back from an appointment. She was 5 months pregnant." My heart dropped.

Paralyzed,  I couldn't hear anything. I saw Jack screaming and crying. Amy held him as he sobbed into her shoulder. "No!!! " He shouted. I was stuck to my seat. I couldn't move.

The report suddenly came back to my ears. "James VanWagner,  35, is our suspect. He is still at large. Be on your guard." The broadcast ended. I had never heard Jack scream and cry like this. My heart broke.

Amy grabbed Claire. "I'm so sorry." She hugged me. "We better go.. Bye." She left and I picked up Jack and took him to bed. "Our baby mark! Our baby... My..  Baby.. " He cried. We laid together, he slowly stopped crying, and fell asleep.

I started sobbing myself. Then I was asleep.

Vices and Virtues // Septiplier // CompletedWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt