Day 11, The back yard -Holli

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I was more than happy that Merle was back. I cringed at my speedy recovery over captivity again. Perhaps it was the months I spent locked up, stated at and teased my aliens, but life with Merle didn't seem terrible. He was far better than the dog-man I was purchased from, for sure. I was becoming more and more satisfied with my life, despite my inner confusion in regards to how fast it happened. I

After I greeted my dog-man at the door, he seemed pleased about something. He spoke to Green excitedly and fiddled in his pocket. Overjoyed, I watched as he pulled out three more treats for me. He handed them all off to Green, earning a scowl. What use did he have for them anyways?

"Holly..." Green called me, showing off the candy. I watched as he went outside, into the back yard, leaving the door open for me to follow. This was silly, I'd have followed him without being lured out like that. I rolled my eyes and followed the dog-man out, happy to find Merle was following behind me.

Green handed me the three candies one at a time, prompting the second eye roll of the day. I ate them, of course. I wasn't about to turn down that candy for any reason. After I was done, I took a look around. Merle was fiddling with something on the porch, uncovering it and turning a few dials. After watching for a few moments, I realized it was a grill. Merle had grabbed a few things (presumably from the fridge) before following is out, I supposed. He was preparing to cook something, most likely meat of some sort.

Green was doing something completely different. He was pulling something out from under my playset. It was huge, wrapped in some blue cover. I watched closely while he unzipped the cover, pulling out metal pieces. They looked like metal bars of some sort, each piece nearly five feet by ten feet. I was enthralled, watching him examine the pieces and arrange them on the grass.

At one point, I tried to help. He looked like he was struggling to hold two pieces up, so I tried to lift it for him. The whole thing nearly fell on my head. Mortified, I ran, the thing pinning me to the ground. It took the dog-men just a few seconds to lift the dang thing off of me, helping me to my feet. Merle had bolted to me, he looked extremely concerned. He immediately knelt down and looked deeply into my eyes for a moment.

I was startled when Green grabbed me from behind, holding me still while Merle touched my stomach. He was gentle as always, but I was uncomfortable with this violation. It was over in less than a minute, but I didn't enjoy it. Green had been stroking my head with his free hand, Merle was saying something to me that I didn't understand.

When Merle finally finished with his examination, Green let go of me. I must've been fine, as both of them seemed relieved. Merle handed me another candy, trying to get me to follow by motioning. I no longer had any interest in helping Green at this point, so I was more than happy to stay near him for the remainder of the afternoon.

Published 1/15/18

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