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Grace's POV

  We all walked into the bar and right away we see Herschel. We walked to him and see that he was gulping down a glass of alcohol. Who knows what it is. "Herschel?" I spoke up. "Go back to the farm." He snapped. Rick shakes his head. "We can't do that, we promised Maggie we'd bring you back." Rick looks at me for help.

  "Herschel, Beth is in some kind of shock. We need you there for your daughters, their grieving." I pleaded. "Is Maggie there with her?" Herschel asked. "Yeah, but-" "But nothing, their fine. She has Maggie and Patricia. She doesn't need me." He cut me off.

  I look at Glenn and he shakes his head, indicating he doesn't know what to say. "Herschel, I know you lost people today. Hell, I've been there myself," I think about my mom. "I know what you're goi-" He cuts me off once again.

  "No you don't!" He raised his voice. "You didn't have to see your family as one of those things!" He finished.

  "You're right, I haven't-"

  "Just get out! I don't want you here!" He yells. "Too bad! You don't get to make that decision right now, you're drunk!" I raised my voice also. Herschel looks back at his cup and sighs. Suddenly I feel like something bad is happening in the pit of my stomach. I clutch it.

  "Grace, what's wrong?" Glenn questioned. "I need to go back to camp, right now. Something's wrong." I said.

  "Why? We're already here-" I cut Rick off. "I need to go now! It's either Reagan or Shane that's in trouble and I need to know who." I shouted. "Alright, OK. Glenn take her back to camp and then come back after, we're gonna need the car." Rick sighed.

  Glenn nodded. We head out to the car and drive our way back to camp.


  We pull up to the farm and I jump out before the car even stops. "What's wrong?! Who's in trouble?!" I asked frantically. "Nothing's wrong sweetheart, what's the matter?" Lori replied. I let out a breath that I didn't know I was keeping in.

  "I'm gonna go check on Reagan." I said before walking in the house and up the stairs. I walk in our room and look around. She wasn't there. Panic rushes through my body as I rush back downstairs. "Where's Reagan?" I asked, trying to be calm. "Upstairs in your room." Maggie says.

  I shake my head. "She's not there." Is all I said before I ran outside. "REAGAN!" I literally scream. I run into the woods to go search for her.


  I was walking around when I smelt fresh blood. I walk forward until I trip over something. I bang my head on the ground, hitting my nose in the process making it bleed. I look down at myself and see blood all over my shirt. I rise up quickly and look at what I tripped over. It was a body. But it wasn't just a body.

  It was Reagan's.

  I let out a strangled cry as I look for the source of the bleeding. There was a bullet hole in her head. "No! Oh god no please!" I screamed.

  I went into shock and I run back to camp. Everybody was already outside when I got there and when they saw me and my clothes. I slow down.

  "Gracie what's wrong?" Shane asks. "You know, when I was in t-the m-military, there was a lot of b-blood. I slaughtered a p-pig once and that was a lot of b-blood. You wouldn't t-think that she'd have t-that much b-blood in her. She only weighs like f-five p-pounds. Like in t-the m-military they t-told us how many pints of b-blood we have inside us, b-but you wouldn't think that there would be that m-much in her. I-I slaughtered a pig once." I finished.

  "Gracie what's wrong?" Shane asked again. "Reagan's dead, some one shot her." I cried. Most people in the group gasped, most just stood there looking stunned. I turn around and head back to the woods, some people followed me, others stayed behind. I go to her body and kneel down. "See, there's a b-bullet hole in her head." I said, pointing to it.

  Tears pour down my face as I look at Shane. Sadness soon turns into anger. "Why weren't you watching her?!" I yelled at him. But not just him, at everyone. Every one looks at me. "You couldn't watch her while I was gone? I wasn't gone more then an hour and now she's dead! Somebody shot her! Because you couldn't watch her?" I shout louder.

Everybody looks at me like I'm crazy. "If I recall you were the one who left without telling anybody, you didn't even tell your own brother and you're yelling at us about how we can't watch a child that's your responsibility." Lori scoffed. Immediately Sophia comes to mind when she says responsibility. My eyes widen before I drain all emotion from my face.

  I nod my head and look down to make sure my hunting knife was in my sheath and then I looked back up at everyone. Everybody was staring at me, trying to figure out my emotions and trying to figure out what I'm about to do.

I turn around and look at Reagan's body. "Take her body back to the farm and bury her." I stated. "Where are you going?" Dale asked.

  "I'm gonna go find the son of a bitch that shot my daughter." I said before walking off farther into the woods.

Authors Note

  Hey guys. So I thought of a name to change the book to. I chose to rename it Undead.
Vote if you like the name, comment if you don't like it and comment a name for it and I might consider it. Byeeeeee!!!

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