Chp. 16

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My brain won't stop replaying everything Harry said to me, and that disgusting feeling in my stomach won't go away.

I'm sitting alone in my hotel room, and when you're alone In your own thoughts; lets just say it's not a good place to be.

As I finally start to calm my self and my breathing goes back to normal; there is a knock on my door.

I get up to answer it, a small part of my brain wishes and hopes it will be Harry, but the more sensible part shuts that thought off.

I open the door to find Niall on the other side.

"Hey, are doing ok?" Niall asks in his sweet Irish accent.

"Ya, I'll be fine;I just have a bit of a stomach ache. You didn't have to leave rehearsals for me."

I step aside to let him into my room, so we are not talking outside.

"Well you seemed kind of upset. Did something happen with Harry? I don't mean to pry, I'm just wondering," he says timidly.

"Ya, We had a weird argument; well it was more then that," I say as I go to sit on my bed, Niall fallowing behind.

"Maybe if you talk about it, you'll feel better."

It would be nice to get my feelings off my chest, but I don't want to use Niall as a shoulder to cry on; I've already asked so much of him.

"It's nothing, just Harry being his normal dick headed self," I say after a short pause.

"Colleen, i'd say we are pretty good friends. You can tell me what happened, I want to help you."

I let out a heavy breath of air.


"So last night, Harry told me he loved me..."

Niall lets out a small gasp, but tells me to continue.

"Ya, so he said that at the club, then he took me back to his hotel room. We where about to have sex, when my phone rang. After I answered, I wouldn't tell Harry who had called. He told me tell him or to get out, so I left."

Niall gave me a concerned look but didn't say anything, so I carried on.

"Then today when I tried to talk to him about it, he shut me out and got really cold. He took back the I love you, and pretty much said he didn't care about me. So naturally I felt sick, because I actually do care for him, but he's a complete ass and I feel so stupid." I feel a few hot tears trickle down my face.

"I'm sorry for telling you all this Niall, I know he's your best friend, but he is a totally ass." I'm full on crying now.

"No, no I agree with you on this one, that was a dick move one his part."

Niall pulls me into a comforting hug, and starts rubbing circles in my back.

"I don't know what's gotten into him, he's never treated a girl like that before," Niall tells me in a whisper.

"Well lucky me, I get to be the first. Sorry I got your shirt wet," I say with a sniffle.

"Don't worry about it, you sure you ok?" He asks kindly

I give home a small nod.

"If not I'm right down stares. Speaking of which, I better get back down there. I'm in this boy band thing, and I'm kinda a crucial part of the vocals," he attempts a joke.

"Ya, sorry for keeping you," I laugh half heartedly. "Oh Niall!" I say as he reaches my door.

"Don't tell Harry about this." I plead.

"Don't worry Colleen, I'll keep it under lock and key."

He gives me one last smile before leaving my room. Niall is probably the only decent guy I know right now. I just wish Harry was as kind as him.


It's the end of the day, and Mardi and Ava have been and gone already.

They tried to make me go out with them, but I told them I was still feeling sick. There's no way in hell I was up for clubbing tonight.

So I decided to stay at the hotel by myself, while they went and got drunk with hot Spanish guys (Ava brought Niall, he counts as Spanish kinda...he speaks spanish).

I'm about half way through a really cheesy rom-com, when there's a knock on my door.

I check the time and it's 11:35. Ava and Mardi said they would be out till really late, so it Couldn't be them.

I get up and look through the peep hole; my heart stops.

What the fuck is he doing here?

"Coooolleeen! Open the door sweat heartttt," Harry sings through the wood.

He is wasted.

"Go away Harry!" I scream back at him.

"Don't beee sower looove, let me in so we Caaan chat."

I Ignore his pleas and wait for him to leave. Unfortunately for me, he doesn't.

"If you don't let me in.. I'll have to break down the door."

Ya right, like he could-

There was a sudden bang against my door, then a low moan.

"Are you actually trying to break down my door?"

Another bang and a small "ow" is heard.

Wow this guy is stupid.

"Ok fine I'll let you in," I say as I swing the door open. "But your not staying."

( Thanks so much for reading, I'm trying to write more frequently, I'm so sorry if I've kept you waiting. please keep readingg! I'm promise it will get more interesting soon.

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- Ruby xx )

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