Welcome to drama again

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The next day i woke up beside Shane again, since we did share a tent. I woke him up "Shane its time to wake up" i sat up on the bed and shook Shane. I then heard growls i thought nothing of it, 'it's just a walker the others will get it." Shane turned over and i saw his face. It was grey and pal with blood covering his mouth. "Shane..." my eyes narrowed with tears as i screamed and got off of the bed.

End of nightmare:

I woke up to Shane shaking me "(y/n) wake up" i turned over and i got up hugging Shane "its okay, everything's okay... it was just nightmare" Shane said to me "please don't leave me..." i told him scarred as I whipped me tears away as he breaks the hug, "don't worry, i will never leave you!" He kissed me. Shane left the tent. I got ready and i walked outside to hear Carl and Sophia screaming and running towards the camp. Quickly i ran towards Carl and Sophia, i was the first one Carl and Sophia hugged me "what's wrong?" I said as everyone came running behind me "there was a walker..." Carl said pointing into that direction. "Okay go back to camp" i followed the guys, we soon saw a walker eating a deer carcass. Shane, Dale and Rick surrounded the walker. Dale looked at the walker as he killed it. "They don't come this far up..." Glenn said as he looked around at the terrified group. "We have to leave, its not safe..." i looks around seeing Carl and Sophia, i was thinking of my child. Even though I don't know that if i am pregnant or not. Shane looks up at me "we have to leave to not safe anymore" everyone looks over hearing the bushes move. Daryl comes out of the bush and everyone sighs happily. Daryl looks down at the eaten deer carcass "oh fuck!" He said angrly, "I've hunting this deer for miles only to see it being eaten by those motherfucking walkers. What do you think Dale cut the neck off..?" He asked Dale as he looked at the dead deer on the ground as the walkers head was laying on the body. "No we shouldn't risk it.." Dale said calmly but scarred at the same time. Daryl started to kick the dead walker. "We should go back to camp its not safe and the kids are scarred." I said to the other as i walked back, everyone else followed back.

When we got back Daryl looks around "where's Merle..." he looks angered. Rick, Shane and T-dog walked up to him "umm... Daryl... Merle isn't here ya see he got into a fight and he got handcuffed to the roof of a building we were on.." T-dog said to Daryl. "It was my fault we're going to rescue him..." Rick said "I'm coming with you guys! His my brother..." Daryl looked at Rick and Rick nodded as they all get ready to go. "Rick you sure you want to risk your life a second for Dixon, the biggest fucking jerk that you will ever meet in your whole lifetime.." Shane said "yeah, it was my fault his up there and so I'm gonna help save him" Rick nodded "but you just got your family back.." Shane said. "I'll be fine I'll come back and ill be okay..." Rick said as he walked away, getting ready for the trip. "Be back soon, please I don't wanna lose you again" i said hugging Rick "i will..." he hugged me back. I broke the hug smiling as he got into the truck and drove off.

I love you too, I miss you too  (Shane Walsh x reader) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now