The water park

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I just went to a water park recently and this idea for a story just kept going through my mind. So, long story short Gabriel turns all his siblings and the Winchester's into little kids because their father is back and Gabriel thought it would be funny to have a small "family reunion". I am still on season 6, but thank God for wattpad, google, and fanfiction because without them I wouldn't know about Chuck being God which still being in early seasons was kinda a spoiler. But I'll get on with the story. And gave you guys the Angels ages first.

Michael : 8

Lucifer : 8

Zachariah : 7

Uriel : 7

Gabriel : 6

Raphael : 6

Sam : 5

Dean : 5

Balthazar:  4

Castiel : 4

"Gabriel!" Chuck exclaimed.

"Y..yes dad." A small Gabriel said.

"What in my name were you doing and thinking!" 

"I don't know dad.. I'm sorry." Gabriel ran up to Chuck and gave him a hug.

"It's alright Gabe.. just don't do anything like this again." Chuck smiled.

"Alright now lets go and see your brothers." Chuck took Gabe by hand.

"Luci... stop touching me!" Michael screamed at Lucifer.

"Well then why don't you stop touching me and go touch yourself!" Lucifer screamed back.

Just then Chuck walked in. "What did you just say to your older brother Lucifer." Chuck said looking at Lucifer.

" nothing father." Lucifer stuttered.

"Okay, then you too boys need to apologize to each other now." 

The two boys said sorry and gave each other a hug. Now that chuck had three of his sons that leaves five more left and the Whinchesters. They weren't that hard to find because Zachariah and Uriel and Raphael were fighting with the whinchesters and Castiel and Balthazar were laughing at jokes they told in enchian. 

"Alright boys all of you need to stop fighting." Chuck said.

"Father!" Zachariah, Uriel, and Raphael said at once.

"Yes, boys it is me." God smiled at his sons.

"Father, I just want to apologize because the war in heaven was all Cas's fault." Raphael pointed his finger at Cas.

"It was not Raphael you were in it also." Cas shouted back.

"Boys all of you enough fighting." Chuck yelled.

"Wait so, Chuck is god?" Dean asked.

"Well your friend Chuck is actually my vassal." God said.

"Oh, okay ."

Soon all the boys started talking agin while God called Bobby. When Castiel saw Gabriel it made him very happy. 

"Gabbie!" Cas squealed happily.

"Cassie!" Gabriel squealed back.

The two brothers run and gave each other a hug. 

"I missed you so much Gabbie." Cas said still hugging his older brother.

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