I have been dealing with essays and work, sorry this has come sooooo late!
We arrived home and spent the rest of the day apart until it was dinner time. Clarissa called us all down to the table so we could have a proper family dinner together. I sat down in the corner by the window whilst Jess sat next to me, Elodie walked gracefully through the living room and into the dining room. My heart stopped even though we had spent the day together, I was in awe. I stared at Elodie for a couple of minutes before she raised her eyebrow at me knowingly with a smirk on her face. I snapped out of my trance and looked swiftly away if anyone were to see I am not sure what the consequences might be. Small talk was made at the table, but I just sat quietly until Clarissa spoke up. "So does anyone seem to know how is making my daughter happy right now? someone from school perhaps, she never usually smiles this much, not that I don't want you to smile I just want to meet them". Elodie cut in a little redder than usual. "Mum you're rambling". She did not look at me. "What about you Jess?" She changed the subject quickly. My sister just smiled as we all knew there was a boyfriend but not who he was. "Yes I have a boyfriend, but you guys are sooo not meeting him". Anthony interrupted with an amused look. "why not? I have my baseball bat upstairs" We all started giggling at his twisted humor, but Megan was too gullible to realize he was joking and was sat looking like she had just seen a ghost. I put my head on her arm lovingly and told her he was only kidding which made us all laugh out loud. "And now to Megan, you surely must have someone?" Oh shit. What was I suppose to say now, I am the worst liar in history. "umm" DING DONG. Saved by the doorbell we all looked to the door wondering as to whom it may be.
Elodie finally looked over at me once she knew the heat off us both was gone. "I wonder who that is" Chrissy exclaimed. We just shook our heads. "Clarissa come here a second my dear" Anthony called out for his wife. We started to clear away our plates when I heard a voice I knew all too well. "ahh Megan, Jessica, I have missed you both so much". I turned around and dropped my plate smashing it on the floor. I froze in shock, this man, his dark brown hair and muddy eyes he stood tall and the more muscly side. Jess ran over to me and stood in front of me. I saw red and ran to Elodie and put my hand in hers standing behind her, this man our old foster carer raised his eyebrow as I had never shown affection towards someone before. "I was just telling Mr. and Mrs. Summertime how you are both under my care and need to get your things and come home with me". I cowered behind Elodie and she protected me. "They are not going anywhere" Elodie roared out. His face screwed up, he always had to be in control of the situation and this was not to his liking. "And I suppose they ran away from you because?" Clarissa questioned growing impatient. "Ah yes that was just a misunderstanding, wasn't it Megan?" He took a step closer to me. "Back off or you'll regret it, you are scaring her". He lingered for a second longer trying to dominate the situation, but it did not work. "I would rather die than go anywhere with you" I found my voice. Everyone looked over at me and back to him. His name was Greg. "I suggest you come back with me you little bitch before you regret it". Anthony walked over and pushed him back "Get out of my house before I call the police, they are under my care and supervision". Tears left my eyes, they didn't know what he was capable of and now he has found us he will not leave without a fight.
Greg knew he had lost this battle but the war was not over. Elodie squeezed my hand and wrapped a protective arm around me, she soothingly rubbed my arm calming me down immensely. "I'll see you soon my little sparrow, this is not over". Luckily Jess was not as worried or upset as I was because I was always on the receiving end and took the blame if she did something wrong. As soon as he was out of the door I bolted out of the room into my bedroom. I heard them call after me but I had a placid look painted over me. I cried an ocean of tears when Clarissa lightly knocked on the door and walked in. "oh honey come here everything is going to be okay, we won't let him take you I promise, Anthony is on the phone to the police right now". I froze for the 2nd time today. "you can't, please don't go to the police, he's dangerous". I was starting to shake and lose my breath. "Megan it's okay, you didn't think we would bring you into our home without getting it legalized, he physically cannot take you". I looked up at Clarissa desperately. "I can't go back, I can't" I kept repeating myself, completely in a state. "and you won't, come on dear, calm down you are safe". I nodded my head and started some breathing in and our deeply. "Do you really have custody of us?" I was curious. She just nodded her head and smiled at me. "Is that okay with you?" she queried. I wrapped my arms around her in a big koala hug. "more than okay, thank you so much". I pulled away and fiddled with my hands looking away. "I just want you to know that if you need a professional or someone to talk to I am here or I can take you to someone else, but don't keep it bottled up". She kissed the top of my head and left my room.

Give me your hand and I'll hold it (GxG)
Teen FictionMy sister and I are homeless, until a kind man and his wife takes us in... i was about to leave until I saw ... her I don't own the picture, it fits perfectly with the image of the girl in my dream.