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"I fall in love over and over again with you. Always with you"

I love you baby.. i dont want to let you go..

topsoo7 @ ur service

Jisoo looked at her watch for the umpteenth time and then at her reflection again. She brushed on some mascara and fluffed her hair, pinning it back because that was better for days in the art studio. She made a kissy face in the mirror and then abruptly straightened it because it made her think of kissing Jennie, and that thought had her twitchy. Abandoning her mirror she headed to her bed and straightened the duvet up and even plumped her pillows. She glanced at her watch again, 7.35, before folding the clothes she'd slung on a chair the night before and putting them in drawers. She grabbed her socks and underwear from the day before and the day before that, and shoved them into her wash basket. Moving to her dresser she looked in the mirror yet again before grabbing a bottle of perfume and adding a squirt, puckering her lips and then put on some lipstick. Placing the lipstick back on the counter she began to tidy up the rest of her cosmetics, chucking some old cotton wool balls and tissue in the bin.

"Wow Jisoo, what happened?" Jennie's voice from the doorway made her jump and she squeaked,

"Shit," and held her hand to her hammering heart. "You stealthy bint!"

"Bint?" Jennie arched an eyebrow.

"Yeah bint - you gave me a heart attack," she shrugged, "and what do you mean, 'what happened?'"

"Your room is tidy!" Jennie gestured to the admittedly almost pristine room. If she ran the vacuum over it, it would be at is tidiest since the day they moved in. Jisoo felt a stupid blush hit her cheeks. "You planning on hooking up tonight?" her friend was seriously asking and was apparently oblivious to the depraved places her mind was suddenly going, and with whom it was going to them with, though her brow pursed a little as she noticed the firehouse red of her cheeks.

"What? Huh? No!" she stuttered.

"Well a clear space gives us a clear mind," Jennie stated approvingly, and the characteristically nerdy expression relaxed Jisoo,

"Is that why my mind is so erratic and creative, do you think? Because my space is never clear?"

"Must be," Jennie smiled brightly.

"Should I mess it all up again?" Jisoo suggested, tone flirtatious (what was with that) and Jennie shook her head,

"I think you're talented enough that the creativity doesn't need actual mess, just the promise of potential mess!"

"Potential mess? If you say so Jennie..." she gave a low chuckle.

"I do. I've lived with you long enough to know that there's always potential mess when you're around..." Jennie teased but it set the butterflies in Jisoo's stomach loose and in a fit of nerves she began to babble,

"Potential for mess huh? Don't you think that maybe we should think about that...you know the potential for mess between us?"

"What potential for mess?" Jennie frowned, "Are you ok, Jisoo?" She crossed the room until she was stood in front of her and Jisoo was suddenly plagued with doubt and took a step back – Jennie was looking all kinds of beautiful which was nothing new, but the twist of attraction she felt at proximity, the twist of desire that she'd ignored for years - it was suddenly very unignorable.

"I'm fine... I mean I think I am. I'm just worried that this," she gestured between them, "is a potential mess. That it'll change things between us...make things crazy ?" the word came out in a tumble of sudden nerves.

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