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Deathbringer felt as if he was in a dark room with no way of escape.

The moment- that tiny fraction of a second- when he saw her, turned everything he had ever known upside down.

All those years, believing that she was gone, they were for nothing.

Absolutely nothing.

He couldn't breath, feel, move, he felt dead.

It was just, darkness all around him, the only thing visible was her, Quickstrike's, face. That's it.

But out of nowhere there was the tiniest ray of light.

Glory's voice.

He held on to that with a steel grip. Her sweet and confident tone made him ten times stronger.

From then on he knew that if something ever happened to Glory, there would be nothing else to hold onto if something like his mother happened again.

He would protect her with his life, and his heart would never belong to anyone else.

Glory held Deathbringer's heart, mind, and life in her talons.

Even if she didn't know it.

Deathbringer looked to his right and sighed when he saw his queen's face. The face that he wanted to see everyday when he woke up.

She was; strong, confident, brave, stunning, beautiful, and perfect. Sure she could be a bit spontaneous, but that's why he was there. To protect her.

Glory walked with sure steps, and he could tell by the distant look in her eyes that she was thinking really hard.

His moth- Quickstrike.

Quickstrike was walking behind them with that other dragon.

Deathbringer had no idea who that was, he had never seen her in his life.

She was definitely a SeaWing and NightWing hybrid. It was hard hard to see the NightWing in her, but his keen eye caught it. The new dragon had a leaner stance than most SeaWings, and she didn't have gills on her neck.

What he had also caught, was that she had Quickstrike's dark purple eyes.

He didn't know what to think about that, and that's what their talk was going to be for.

Deathbringer wanted know everything, and he hoped that Quickstrike would tell them her story.

He knew the RainWing guards were nosy and good eavesdroppers, so he had secretly dismissed them with a secret claw code he had made up.

Too soon they arrived at the royal hut.

Glory turned to him with an uneasy glance. "I know you're not okay, so I'm not even going to ask. But if you need anything, just tell me."

Deathbringer smiled sadly. "I just need you with me," he said and meant it.

The queen's eyes widened slightly, and the ends of her ruff began to turn pink.


"Is this the place?" Quickstrike interrupted.

Glory looked from Deathbringer to Quickstrike back and forth as she settled her thoughts and changed whatever pink she had on to black.

"Yes, follow me."

Deathbringer waited for the three of them to fly to the hut before he followed them. Well, Quickstrike had to climb a tree before she jumped in, his best guess what that her wing had never healed fully.

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