Part 2: A Stalker?

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It's been a few days since the situation with Damian. You and Rei sit in your dorm.

Rei: So yeah Miss Flare is a Witch. They may be human but they have high magical power.

You see a camera flash in the closet but when you go to investigate, nothing is there.

Rei: Huh?

Y/N: Someone was in here...

Rei: But we're the only ones with keys for the room.

Meanwhile, a figure stares at a picture of you.

???: Hehe...

You hear a knock on the door. You answer it to see Nia.

Nia: So this is your room. I was following you on my radar.

Rei: You are odd.

Nia: I put protecting Y/N down as my number one priority. It is the top of my priority programming.

Y/N: Nia, can you detect any other people?

Nia: Scanning now... Negative. However, I do detect traces of another person.

She finds a purplish grey hair.

Y/N: Can you find where it came from?

Nia: Affirmative.

She walks off and you follow her. The Automaton leads you to a room.

Nia: The source of this hair is inside this room.

Nia opens the door and you see a girl.

Nia opens the door and you see a girl

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Nia: Source located.

Girl: Ah!

She tumbles onto the ground, dropping several pictures of you.

Y/N: Why do you have pictures of me?

Girl: Um well... I... Uh...

Nia: Bio-Scan Complete. Name: Lila Lavender. Species: Lich. Year: 1 like us. Blood-type: O+ Bust:

Lila: Don't share that information!

Y/N: That aside, why have you been taken pictures of me?

Lila: I... Uh... I like you.

You look at one of the pictures and Lila drew a heart around you.

Y/N: I'm very flattered but I don't really know you all that well. I'm willing to get to know you though.

Lila jumps up and hugs you and Nia blinks.

Nia: Action: Hug. Used to show a physical form of affection.

The Automaton hugs both of you, nearly crushing you.

Y/N: Can't breathe!

They release their grip and you gasp for air.

The following morning, you wake up to find a weight on you. You look to see Lila nuzzled into your chest.

Your Thoughts: How the hell did she get in?

You wake the Lich up and she looks at you.

Lila: Morning...

Y/N: How did you get in here?

Lila: I'm a Lich. I simply used magic.

Your Thoughts: This is going to be a regular thing, isn't it...

End of Part 2

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