❀ Chapter nine ❀

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A week had passed since Noelle made the wrong decision of telling her mother that she was a lesbian. The two of them barely talked to one another during that week, and they tried to continue with their daily lives as if nothing happened. Noelle didn't know what to say to her mother and her mother didn't know what to say back. Noelle's mother wanted to apologize to her daughter and properly talk it out with her but due to her busy life, she had never gotten a chance to do it.

The day after Noelle confessed, the reindeer got up extra early and went to the hospital to visit her father. She wanted to tell him what had happened and to cry it out with him. Noelle knew that Rudolph Holiday would be supportive of her sexuality.


It was a cold and windy fall morning and Noelle got up extra early to visit her father. She got into one of her many Christmas sweaters and grabbed her backpack and ran downstairs. Once she reached the bottom of the stairs, she stopped and let out a small cough before slowly walking into the kitchen. She felt her chest hurt more than usual that morning. Once she walked into the room, she noticed her mother eating breakfast while reading the newspaper. "Good morning, mother." Noelle managed to squeak out as she walked to the kitchen counter to make a piece of toast.

Noelle heard her mother turning the newspaper and she turned around to see her mother still reading it. "Good morning." Carol Holiday responded without looking up. Noelle put a piece of toast into the toaster and waited awkwardly at the counter until it was finished. She tried not to come in eye contact with her mother. It was a long and awkward wait and Noelle just looked around the kitchen to pass time. Her eyes found the same sunflower painting on the wall for the third time before the toast popped back up, making her jump a bit. She placed her hand on her chest to catch her breath and took the hot piece of toast out and put it on a plate and lightly buttered it.

She took a bite out of it and placed the rest of it into her mouth and she walked out of the kitchen, wanting to get away from her mother.

She opened the front door, walked out and slammed it shut.

It was a ten minute walk to the hospital, and she ate the toast as she enjoyed the scenery. She hoped Susie had slepted well. Noelle wanted to give Susie a text asking how she slept, but she choose not to because she didn't want to annoy the other girl.

She made it to the hospital and checked herself in at the front desk and walked into her father's room. She knocked on the door before she walked inside. Rudolph Holiday was lying on the bed, looking straight ahed at her. He saw her and laughed out, "Hey, I missed ya! Why didn't you decide to see me sooner?!"

Noelle bit the inside of her cheek when she saw that he looked a little weaker since the last time she had seen him.

He told her the doctors found some 'crap' and that Noelle didn't need to worry about it, but he seemed to be looking more sick and weak every time she saw him. The girl forced a smile at her father, though. She walked up to the side of his bed and gave him a tight hug. "I'm sorry.. some stuff happened, and I haven't been doing well." The girl sheepishly said as she looked down to her fingers and fiddled them around.

"Oh?" Her father asked. "Well, pull up the chair and tell me what the heck's bugging ya!"

Noelle nodded and brought a chair that was leaning against the wall next to his bed. She continued to look down at her fingers, "Well.. last night... I um.." Despite knowing her father would most definitely be supportive of her, she had a bad few thoughts in the back of her mind. A few what-if's? What if he had the same thoughts of her that her mother had?

"Noelle? Don't just leave me on edge here!" He laughed out, gasping out into a few light coughs afterwards.

"...I confessed to mother that I was a lesbian. She didn't.. like it very much." She said, avoiding eye contact with her father. Rudy paused for a few moments before bursting out into laughter again, coughing out weakly after. "Let me tell you Noelle: your mother is extremely old fashioned at times! She may have not liked it, but she'll get over it within a few days time! As for my opinion? Who the hell cares! You're still my same daughter who I love to bits! So what that you like boobs?!"

One sided love (DeltaRune: Susie x Noelle)Where stories live. Discover now