chapter 6; every man gets his wish

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'Every man gets his wish,
you told me this.
Where is mine?'


In the days following the rather awkward incident by the river, you surprised yourself by the lack of drama that surfaced from it. You had expected no end to be ribbed by the camp, but everyone had appeared to have a snigger about it and move on. Not that you had directly put yourself in any line of fire either way, you had been keeping to yourself after overhearing one jesting conversation by the campfire, where Uncle had been teasing Arthur.

"I heard little Jack said something by the river?"

You then also heard a quick and abrupt interjection from Arthur, a clear cut off for any further conversation.

"Yeah, you probably did. But that's the end of it now."

Let's just say Uncle didn't mention anything further, and quickly switched topics.


The mood couldn't linger for long on any small potential relationship drama, as there was a greater issue looming in the balmy summer air.

It had not gone amiss by several members of the camp, that the level of O Driscolls' skulking around Valentine and the surrounding areas had been steadily peaking for the past few weeks, and there was naturally concern amongst the members of the Van Der Linde gang.

For now, Dutch had all simply given you all a careful warning – to be mindful of being followed, keep your heads down, and to not engage with anything violent just yet.

However, with this sense of danger creeping quietly in the background of your daily lives, you still all needed to carry on as usual.

"Miss (name)," Mr Pearson called one morning, waddling over to you with a long list of things written on a stained bit of paper. "I need you to go into Valentine, and get some supplies for me from the store, is that okay?" he had asked, pressing the paper into your awaiting hands.

Your (eye colour) gaze did a quick scan of the items scrawled untidily on the page in Pearson's awful handwriting, and you were thankfully able to make them all out.

Looking back up with a smile, your nod put a delighted smile on Pearson's face. He was just glad that he didn't have to get off his fat backside and go there himself. It was lucky you enjoyed your little jobs so much.

"I'll head there straight away before it get's too busy in town." You affirmed, tucking the note into your small brown leather satchel, slipping the shoulder bag over your arm and making your way over to ready the wagon.

Secretly, you were elated you had gotten to go out to town. The pleasant summer weather always made you feel so radiant, and you fancied dressing nicely today and sorting your hair into a pretty half up-half down fashion, the top section secured into a neat bun tied daintily with a vermilion red silk ribbon. It coordinated nicely with the blush red colours of the roses printed on your pretty summer dress.

Humming a sweetly tuneful song, your figure made it's way to the wagon to begin preparing the horses. You checked the various reins and blinkers and ensured the horses were securely tightly to the big rolling topped wagon. A peaceful trip to town with the horses was just what you fancied.

Loosening one of the cheek pieces on the left horse's bridle, you had been pulled from your concentrated state when you sensed a person lingering to the side of the wagon. You didn't want to look once the periphery of your eyes caught sight of the long-line black leather coat, the red shirt and big hat.

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