OHD: Chapter Thirty

Start from the beginning

"Hey," I murmured as I ran a hand through his hair, a shock of fear suddenly running through me. "What is it, love?" Kaiden tilted his head as he peered closer into my face. "So ya know," I coughed, trying to stop myself from stuttering. "Ya know I do have to go back to North Carolina as I have too many bloody obligations there and all," I started to ramble. I was nervous, it was very much obvious. My blood pressure was about to rise through this shit roof. "You know, we could make this long distance work. It doesn't matter how but we can. We can just talk on the phone and visit on the weekends. I'm sure Nicca would let me use his private j-" I was cut off but a pair of heated lips and my moans exited my mouth as Kaiden took what was his. Nothing more than an effective way to quiet me down.

"You talk too much." He said as he pulled away, planting a small smooch on my forehead. "Who said anything about long distance, Jose?" Kaiden raised a brow as he looked at me from the corner of his eye and I furrowed my brows in reply. "Huh?" I sputtered when he shook his head. "I wasn't planning on keeping the pack here, to begin with." He smiled softly as he turned to gaze to me and I willed my heart not to flutter. "Does that mean..." I trailed off, not wanting to get my hopes up.

"Yes, Jose," Kaiden rolled his eyes and I couldn't stop the grin that morphed my face. "The pack is moving to North Carolina as well." I launched myself at him like a swamp rat and he caught me in his arms, chuckling as I placed kisses all over his face. "I love you, I love you, I love you!" I screeched like a mad man as he held me around my waist. "And I love you as well," I smirked in mere narcissism. "I know. Who doesn't love me? I'm a bad mofo'." I winked at him as he let out a sigh, cursing to himself. I know, I was pure entertainment--he didn't have to hide his amusement.

Then a cough cracked the air like lightning.

My head snapped to the doorway with the quickness, seeing the former Alpha and Luna standing there with their arms folded and eyes cocked up in hilarity. "Come in." Kaiden motioned for them to enter and they strolled in like royalty. "We would like to have a moment with you, if possible," Cortez spoke so calmly and clean and it made me wonder where the quick 180 in personality came from.

"Oh," I hopped up with ease, dusting myself off. "I'll leave." I smiled but Kyra put up a hand, halting my actions. "You'll stay." She motioned for me to take back my seat in Kaiden's lap and the devil below me reached up and yanked me down like his parents were standing three feet away. "Is there something wrong?" Kaiden questioned and I knew he felt unsure of where he stood with his parents, especially every everything took off the way that it did. "Yes, there is in fact." Kyra took a seat in the chair in front of Kaiden, her eyes sullen and full of regret. "The way that we treated you a year ago," She murmured and I thought back to when Kaiden was telling about his first transformation into the Chosen Alpha.

"None of what we said was real," Cortez stood and Kaiden nodded, understanding that they were under the influence of Veronica's control. He looked a bit uneasy and unsure of what to say so I just grabbed his hand. "You are not a monster. You are not some abomination. You are a leader of a prophecy and that alone makes me proud as a father." He softly smiled and I could feel Kaiden stilling under me as he forgot to breathe. "Huh?" He sputtered out in confusion, making sure that it wasn't a dream. Kyra chuckled at his antics, shaking her head. "Always known that you were prone to confusion so let me spell it out for you." She tilted her head as she smiled, reaching for Kaiden's free hand and grasping it.

"Kaiden West, you are nothing but the impeccable and distinguished Alpha that we raised you to be. You are so full of greatness and your heart is pure." Kyra stared deeply into his eyes and I was taken aback by the amount of emotion in her voice. "I have never been gladder to have had a son like you." A tear rolled down her face as her lips quivered. "I am so sorry for all of those harsh words that I said to you the night of your 21st birthday. I want you to know that I know who you are. You are Kaiden, my son and the Alpha of this pack. I would never kill you, I'd treasure you." Her voice fell into a whisper and I could feel Kaiden struggling to come up with words. "I apologize for hurting you so much, physically and mentally." Cortez nodded in agreement and I could feel my heart filling up.

I looked over my shoulder to see what Kaiden was doing and I was taken aback by the singular tear that escaped his eye and the smile of relief that was on his face. "That's," He cleared his throat. "That's all that I ever wanted to hear you say." He whispered and I knew that even though their words were helpful and relieving, it would take time for Kaiden to be able to fully trust them. "Thanks, mom..." He trailed off and Kyra's eyes filled with tears, a smile on her face as she sniffled in bliss. She rubbed his hand, trying to tell him about she loved him and while Cortez stood there, I knew he loved him as well.

Then the room fell silent and everything was mending to a whole once again. See what happens when you interfere Jose? Pure greatness. Wow, I should be a life coach.

"By the way," Kyra spoke, her voice taking on a different tone and I furrowed my brows. "Don't think I've forgotten about you, Jose Grazi," Kyra turned to me, a playful grin on her lips. "My son's dear mate." Her grin fell as she scanned my figure up and down, obviously remembering my grand entrance. She remembered how I put her in her place for demeaning my lovely man and I was not going to apologize for it. Talk shit, get hit. I raised a brow as I waited for her words. Cortez didn't say much to me as he nodded in an approving way, taking Kyra's hand as she stood, making her way to the door. Was that it? Was she really not going to say anything to me? She stopped in her stride as she looked back to me, a grin on her lips.

"I like you, Mr. Grazi. You will do well in serving as the next Luna," Kyra winked over her shoulder as she strutted her way out, Cortez in tow. "Make us proud," Her husband grunted out as they exited and suddenly, it felt like a weight was just taken off our shoulders. "Damn son, that was deep." I slapped Kaiden's shoulder and he chuckled, the stupid grin never leaving his face. I guess it was because everything in his life had just got fixed. "I'm just happy, you know," He leered at me and all of the tension in his shoulders dissipated. "I wouldn't have been able to face them if it wasn't for you." He confessed and I rubbed his cheek, knowing full well that he wouldn't have to face his problems alone anymore.

"Now you have me, so rely on me, would ya?" I cracked a smirk at that and he leaned up to kiss my cheek, his lips lingering on the spot for a bit. I knew he was trying to convey to me just how much I meant to him, but I wondered if he knew how fucking important he was to me. If it wasn't for this immature little bloke, who's to say that I would be as happy and less guarded? Who's to say that I would be over my bastard ex? Who's to say that I would have given anyone else a chance?

All of this was possible because of this little twerp who forced his way into my life and into my heart. He demanded everything of me and he took it all with ease. I'll probably never get over him because I get too high off of his love. "I guess you're lucky that I never took this off," I stared at the beautiful gold ring on my hand, admiring the colors and how nice it looked on my finger. "I'll never give you a reason to," Kaiden replied. "Well, until I replace it with our wedding ring." He murmured casually as he intertwined our fingers. I gasped in shock and he let out a chuckle, finding everything to be so hilarious. "Bitch, stop laughing. Shit ain't funny." I scowled, sticking my tongue out at him.

"It isn't by any means but I'm just so happy," Kaiden leaned his head back, looking at me with so much love in his eyes and a wide grin on his face, so wide that I couldn't help but reciprocate it. It felt as if time was slowing to a halt and the only thing that I saw was the man in front of me and I could hear how fast my heart was beating. My cheeks were burning and there was nothing else but the reminder that I had found my happy ending in a werewolf. The reminder that the glue that was Kaiden West came to repair my broken heart and he did it with ease.

"Because everything is much better when I'm with you."

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