Risotto Nero - the shy torturer (torturer au)

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This has some torture and gore so you have been warned.

"We have a new member. She will be expanding us to interrogate and torture as well as assassinations. If you have any problems talk to me," Risotto states quite bluntly as he welcomes me into La Squadra di Esecuzione. I've never been very good with meeting new people and so far I've only said a few meek hellos to the members, but I've been able to hold a whole conversation with the leader Risotto.

I'm shown to the basement of the base where my torturing domain shall reside with my clean up team, Gnocchi, and Tortellini. We check out the bare, unfinished basement and plan out where everything will go. There's one entrance from the kitchen and one cellar door outside. Mainly using the cellar door to bring in all of my large equipment and other do-dads in their boxes I have everything set and organized. I'm found by Risotto and I'm quickly briefed about my first mission. Find a man who has been stealing money from the gang in a bar, get the confession, and kill him. The only catch is Risotto has volunteered to be my chauffeur for the evening. This makes me nervous, but he is the only person I've really talked to in La Squadra, but having others watch me while I work is a little nerve-racking. I tell him I will be ready in thirty minutes and go to prepare myself for the night.

I look over the man's measurement to make sure my stand, Bad Medicine, was prepared to sedate him. Coming back downstairs in an uncomfortably revealing outfit I go find Risotto. Thankfully, he dressed down so he won't draw attention. We leave in the car I own for missions, a simple black limousine, and I tell him what I need him to do. Drop me off, stay in front of the club, ignore me once I return. We arrive at the club quickly after that talk and I tell him I should be about ten minutes, he nods confirming his comprehension. I compose myself and put on my act as I walk in and immediately spot the target. I saunter across to the bar he's sitting at and buy a drink right next to him.

"What are you doing here, Mia more," he slightly slurs at me.

"Looking for someone," I eye him up and down to fully make sure he's the target," just like you." I scoot closer towards him and I can smell the alcohol on his breath. Bourbon, my least favorite smell.

"My chauffeur is outside, let us go back to my place and see where the night takes us," I say as I have his attention fully on me as I place my Chain in his drink.

"Whatever you say, Mia more," he confidently slurs.
"Then let's finish our drinks and go, wouldn't want them to go to waste," I say as I seductively bring my cup to my lips. He downs the rest, including my Bad Medicine, in a second. He bolts up and I lead him towards the limo. The moment the tinted windows give us some privacy he stifles me with his mouth and body. Sucking on my face sloppily I pray for my Bad Medicine to start their job as I taste the rancid bourbon on his tongue. I almost break my sexy demeanor when I taste the disgusting alcohol. The kiss slowly becomes sloppier and sloppier as the Bad Medicine starts to heavily kick in until he is unconscious on the limo floor. I roll down my window and empty my stomach from my reaction to the bourbon. I look and see the partition has been lowered.

"Are you alright," a surprising question left Risottos lips as I huff out and look at the man on the ground.

"Y-yes, he's passed out, how much longer till we're at the base," I ask taken aback from his concern braking through his cold exterior.

"Five minutes," he states. I readjust my Bad Medicine so he doesn't wake up on me. We soon arrive at the base and I begin to struggle to pull the man out of the limo until Risotto comes up behind me and picks up the man like nothing. I help him by opening the cellar doors and direct him to the iron chair. He puts him down with an unexpected force fueled by anger.

"Do you need any more help," he asks the third strange act of kindness today.

"No, you have been extremely helpful today, thank you," I say not knowing the reasoning behind his action as I watch him leave to the kitchen. I let out a sigh now that I'm alone. My stomach tied into butterfly knots around him and seeing his concern for me. I remember the task at hand and prepare the man for his torturing. Stripping him down to his underwear, binding his limbs down, gag him, and finally soaking him wet. I got to change into something a little more appropriate and easy to clean with my extra time before he wakes up, unfortunately, another revealing outfit. A black mini dress made out of latex and covered in white and red squares with little thin straps. I try to avoid the other members from my figure and go back to setting up my remaining tools. As I finish setting up he wakes up in a panicked flurry. He yells through the gag only making strained noises.

One-shots of my current obsessionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora