“That not to unusually for you to have two.” Damien said.

           I nodded and got up. I started to walked back to the east wall when Damien come up beside me.

           “What?” I look over at him.

           “I am coming, you did scream and you did say ‘If I scream then I am lost.’ So I am helping you.” He said.

           “Fine, I am not much of a talker so don’t feel like I am not talking because I don't like you.” I smile at him. He smiled and nodded.

           “So, May I ask why you're not much as a talker?" I sigh.

           "Well, it hard to explain." I shook my head.

           "Because???" Damien replied.

           "Um, it just is." I said honestly.

           "Hon, you can tell me." I smile at him.

           "Well, lets just say Nyx saved my life" he nodded.

           “It was that bad, huh?” he asked me quizzically.

           "Yeah, My foster parents are people of the faith so it like you are a vampire or have the outline of it you're going to the underworld," I sigh.

           "And I think my parents are bad?!" he exclaimed.

           I nodded. "Why do you say that?"

           "They don't really like me being gay." he said.

           I shook my head. That is so wrong and I don't really like bullies; his parents are going to hear from me. So what if he is gay! That shouldn't matter at all! I swear-

           Something had caught my eyes and I let 'em shift to the thing. It seemed to be a person, I walked over to it when Damien grabbed my arm and yanked me into his strong, tone, muscular arms.

           I smile but only for a moment. I stepped out of his arms.

           "Please let go." I said he nodded. I walked ahead of him and saw Nefert. And she was letting something drinking from her!! The thing looked at me with glowing scarlet red eyes.

           "Neferttt sssomeone isss here."It hissed. I started to run.

           "Find them!" Nefert screamed.

           I didn't know where I was running to. I went outside the school grounds, I just need to be away from there. I was at my favorite place -the mall- when Andy showed up.

           "Mist?" He look at me.

           "Yes Andy?" I asked.

           "You not dying!" he called with joy, he was playing with the knife he carries around when he was putting it away he slit his hand.

           "Bitch!" He yelled.

           I try to looked away from the beautiful sight of his strawberry liquid. I wanted him. I need him. No I want his blood. I leaned in and lapped it up. When he move closer to me I shiver.

           "Please drink?" he said huskily. I lean in and started to drink from his warm hand.

           It was like a fire exploding inside of me.

Lovely Fire (Damien and Kalona Fanfic HON)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora