Collection of Thoughts

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You don't know her...
You knew nothing about her...
And that's why you don't deserve her.


She's just a mess
No matter how much she's been hurt
How much she's been torn apart
She tries to stand still
She tries to be strong
But deep inside...
She's just broken


I'm more complicated than you think.
You'll destroy your mind, trying to understand mine.


Even I don't know myself. People have been asking "Who are you?" Or "What are you?" I answered "I've been asking the same question to myself the whole time." Or "I've been searching for the answer my entire life."


Too long...
It's been too long...
You've been acting for too long.


I want to cry...


I don't feel so good.
Maybe it's right...
I should've end it yesterday.


It hurts a lot
Why? This is my only chance...
And I miss it
I disappoint others...
And I also disappointed of myself.

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