Chapter 5 "Chaeyoung"

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After the dinner, the foreigners head back to the JYP and there respective dorm and the others have part ways to there bus stop and train stops.}

Chaeyoung walked timidly at an early morning to her classroom. She strolls at the back of the room where Yeri and the others is.

"Where's Bambam?" Chaeyoung said as she looks beside her and the seat was empty.

"Guess where?" Jackson said pointing at the window at the corner, "Behind Mina~shi."

"Oh." Chaeyoung looked at the corner, she saw how Bambam greeted Mina as she sat on her chair. "By the way. I'm really sorry, Yeri."

Yeri punched Chaeyoung's shoulder when she sat down, "That's for saying 'Sure'." Yeri mimicked Chaeyoung's reply when she have asked her for dinner.

Chaeyoung rubbed her shoulder and laughed at Yeri's sulking face.

Chaeyoung was silently looking at Mina and Bambam throughout the class, she have made sure she wouldn't be caught this time. After the class have ended, Chaeyoung plugged in her earphones and walked hastily to her next subject.

"Chaeyoung, you're too fast." A guy grabbed her shoulder as she was about to go in the classroom.

"Sorry. I didn't hear you calling me." Chaeyoung removes her earphones, and proceeded on walking to her seat.

The guy seat next to her, and asked, "Are you close with, Mina?"

"We're not really close." Chaeyoung said grabbing her book on her bag, and somewhat she feels irritated, "Do you like her?" She then gazed at him.

He was smiling, "Maybe?"

"You're smile is so annoying, Bambam." Chaeyoung said and the guy chuckled at him.

"Baby is always annoyed at me." Bambam said, earning a pinch at his arm from Chaeyoung, "Aw aw. Okay."

Chaeyoung wore her earphone again as the class started, she was wearing her earphone until the class ended.

"Where's Chaeyoung?" Dahyun asked at the members whose currently painting and decorating the stage.

"She might be hanging around in our club room." Sana said pointing at the room far away from the field.

"She's not coming?" Mina asked and she wiped her sweat from dancing.

"I think so. We are used to it." Sana said jumping off of the stairs, "She sometimes gets engulf in her own world. Chaeyoung world." Sana wiggles her hands and fingers looking at them like it was some scary stuff.

"Let's have lunch." Tzuyu said jumping off the stage to Sana, "You can come with us." Tzuyu said shyly on the other group.

"Sure!" Dahyun said and let the other members know.

"I'll just get back and change in our dance room." Mina said as she jogged out of the scene.

"We will wait in the canteen!" Dahyun shouted and Mina gave her a thumbs up while she briskly walk.

Mina hurriedly enters the 'Charlie' building as she don't want the others to wait for her in the canteen.

"Eh?" Mina held her breath and chest to see someone at there dance studio. "Chaeyoung~ah." She was ignored by the latter and later she saw that Chaeyoung had an earphones on.

"Oh!" Chaeyoung was surprised as someone pulled out her earphone, "Mina." She smiled.

"Sorry." Mina chuckled, looking for the shirt she have on her bag. "We don't practice here today." She softly said.

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