Koi Princess

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Once in a land far away there was a kingdom in the East ruled by a greedy ruthless prince. He was so selfish he taxed his people and let them starve to build his palace and fill it with wealth. His riches came from vast mines with precious stones that slaves had to dig up from the earth. He had everything his heart desired except one. A wife worthy of his greatness.

One day he was riding his fancy coach that was supported on both sides by four slaves each and he spotted a young woman working in her father's garden where they harvested food for the prince. He was instantly smitten by her beauty. Her eyes were so blue they shone like precious jewels. Her skin so pale it appeared to be made of porcelain. Her lips were so red they were like berries on a vine. Her long black hair was wound up in a bun bit it still had enough loose to show him it went down to her tiny waist.

He had never seen such perfection. He bade his slaves to stop. He went to her father who knelt at the ground terrified of the prince. When the prince demanded his daughter's hand the father agreed.

"What is her name?" The prince demanded.

" Sing Wong your majesty. " The old man timidly replied.

" Call her in and tell her the news."

The old man bid as he was asked. Sing did not want to marry the prince even though he was young handsome and rich. She had always been a good daughter however and she accepted the prince's offer so that her father might be spared the prince's wrath. She gathered up her meager belongings then went to say goodbye to her friends.

There was a small pond in the back yard and in this pond 8 koi fish swam. All of them came to the edge of the pond when Sing appeared. However it was one in particulalr she did not wish to leave. She placed her hand in the water and wept bitterly. The largest Koi fishes pushed past all the others to gently stroke her hand try to comfort her.

He was majestic. His fins and tail were long and flowing so that every move he made looked like a dance. His eyes were shaped in such a way they always looked both compassionate and thoughtful. His mouth was perfectly shaped into a heart.

Instead of the usual colors of the other Koi he was as black as the night with white speckles like stars sprinkled on his fins.

He was no ordinary koi fish but a Kappa able to resume a humanoid form briefly at night and leave the water to keep the young girl company. Her kind heart and beauty had won his love and devotion and whenever she was sad or lonely he made his way by her side when she came to the pond.

To him Sing had given her heart.

The prince appeared by her side and and saw her weeping. He advised the girl he would grant her one gift for her wedding if that would make her happy. She begged that her Koi fish be brought to the palace and installed in a garden where she could see them every day.

The prince agreed to do so.

The wedding was beautiful and the prince smug that his bride was so radiant in her kimino she looked like a angel. Her face was so lovely she was able to forego the traditional paint used to make a woman look like a beautiful doll. She already appeared so.

That night the prince ignored her begging and took her maidenhead harshly and with no care for her pain. When he was done he rolled over to sleep ignoring his weeping wife. She climbed out of bed and with only a sheet to cover her she stumbled out to the garden to the pond. She placed her hand in the water and instantly the black Koi came to comfort her. The princess prayed over and over again that she could be with him and away from the cruel world which she dwelled.

That night her prayers were not answered and before the dawn the black koi returned to his watery prison and she sadly went back to her bed by the prince's side.

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