Ch6 determination

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Keith POV warning rape in this chapter
Extra long chapter

I curl up in a corner holding Liu close hushing him as he nuzzles into my chest. I rock slowly kissing his head and humming. He lets out a small wail. My ears perk up to the door opening.
"Lotor!" I growl holding Liu tighter.
"Well now, pretty little hybrid, You are an omega." He said. He notices the child in Keith's arms.
"Oh and who's this?" He asks squatting down to get a better look. I turn my shoulder to him. His eyes narrow. "You need some manners beaten in you." He said grabbing me. He tries to pry my arms open. I push and kick at him.
"Stop it!!" I scream and snarl. He pried Liu off of me and pushed him into a corner before pulling me up to my feet. I thrash around and kick. He tossed me over the shoulder.
"Momma!!!!" Liu screams and cries. I hit Lotor back and squirm.
"I'm coming back baby. Mommy promises!!!" I scream as I'm hauled out. Liu crawls quickly to follow but the door closes. Lotor carries down the hall. The wail of my baby echos. I'm taken to a room and thrown into a thin cushion on the floor. I groan rolling to my side and getting to my hands. I was forced onto my back with Lotor full weight on my arms. He sat between my legs to keep me from kicking him.
"Apologize." He demands.
"Fuck you!" I scream at him and squirm around. He lifts my arms pinning them in one hand and pulls his pants down. I use my tail and try to hit him with it. He simply grabs out of reflex and tucks my tail under his knee. He continues to pull his pants down.
"I'll fuck manners into you then." He said placing his free hand on my clothes and ripping my pants off my body. The cold air made me shiver under him. He pulls out cuffs and clips them to my hand. I try to sit up only to be held down as he hovers over me. The cuffs felt like weights. He has free range of my body. He lifts my legs and lines up. He's huge!
"N-no. No! Please it won't fit!" I plead but he's already pushing in. Dry.

He groans as he pushed in. I bite my lip to hold but cries and try to breath. It burns. The sharp prickling pain like tiny needles.
I start to cry silently to hold back sobs and screams. He hums as he forced my walls open pressing deeper. I finally feel his hips. He hums in enjoyment.
"Maybe I'll be gentle after you apologize."

I bite my lip to keep quiet. He huffs pulling out quickl only to snap his hips back into me. I hold back whimpers.
"I could do this for a long time. Or we can make this quick." He said. Grabbing something from his pants. It was a bottle of lube. He waves it around in his hand. He rocks his hips.
"I-I'm sorry." I whisper. "I'm sorry." I whimper out.
"Good boy." He said leaning in and kissed my cheek. He pulls out to coax himself in lube before shoving himself back inside in a smooth motion.
He thrusts at a fast pace barely giving me time to adjust. My legs begin to cramp from the position. I try to hold back noise.
"Let me hear you. I wanna hear those pretty sounds you make." He said brutally hitting against my gland. Pleasure spikes through my body.
"Mhmm!" I hold back moans. He hits again
"Ahh!" I moan out.
"So beautiful." He says. I squirm. He turns me on my side pulling the weights around. I wiggle my tail free. He lifts my leg, thrusting harder into my hole. His grip on my legs hurt. He goes faster right into my gland making me go hard. My member sticks out. I moan out of control. Too much. It's too much. He thrusts hard into me at brutal pace. He grabs my arms and fucks harder. I scream cumming onto the mat. He bucks his hips something slowly pops in and out of me. He slows down slightly. The thing gets bigger, and bigger. He pushes in and lets out a breath of relief. He sat back letting go of my hands which land on the mat with a thump. My insides are filled with his cum. He placed a hand on my lower abdomen right under my belly button.
"I can't wait to see you swell up with my children." He said moving my leg off his shoulder. He speaks of this family that he wants with me as if we're married. I don't want this.
"We'll have perfect children. An heir to the thrown. Won't that be amazing. To have you fucked into labor. To birth a child in front of the empire. You belong with me." He kissed my shoulder and shifts. I grin and whimper as he roughly pulls himself out. He dressed himself and scoops me up and takes me back down the hall and into the cellar. Lius wailing grows louder. Small thumping on the door Lotor sets me on my feet holding me by the waist as he opens the door. Liu falls to the floor crying before getting up and to cling to me. Lotor used his foot and pushed liu back into the cell. I jump to run to my baby. Lotor held me back.
"Next time. It might be him getting punishment. Now keep him down!!" He yells taking the cuffs off, throwing me in and shuts the door. I crawl to Liu and pick him holding him close ignoring the pain that was inflicted on my body. I give him kisses and snuggles. We lay in the corner curled up for warmth to sleep.

The next time that door opens Lotor came in with a tray of food. And a small toy. Again Liu clings to me shivering. Lotor holds out the toy waving it around trying get him to warm up. I can tell Lotor was getting annoyed.
"It's okay baby. Go ahead and take it." I say quietly to the child. Liu slowly reaches out taking the toy and holds it. His hands are so cold. "I'm gonna hold you so mommy can eat Lotor reaches for Liu and takes him. Liu squirms and whines while being placed in Lotors lap. The food was pushed to me. I pick up the spoon and eat. The goo was sweet and the fruit was nice. I pick up a gooy fruit and hand it to Liu. He takes it in his fingers and nahs at it with his tiny teeth more sucking it. I finish eating pushing the plate to the side. Lotor turns Liu to face him and bounces him a little.
"Our children will be much cuter than him. Don't you think?" He smiles. Liu flops his head back to look at me. I shiver curling up. Liu puts up with Lotor for a while more before whining and reaching for me. Lotor placed him back in his lap. Liu squirms and cries.
"MOMMA!!" He screams. Lotor lets him up to run back to me. I bring him into my lap, gently rocking him. He drops the toy. I lift my shirt to feed him. He sucks on my chest hungrily.
"Why is he so attached?!" Lotor asked.

I shrug. "I-I don't know. We rescued him. I stayed with him while he was sick. We grew attached." I say. I felt like something was in my throat. I cough and clear my throat. Lotor gets up and takes the tray leaving us. Liu and I wait. Liu fell asleep after eating. I had to wake him up and play for a little bit. After a long while of play liu got tired again and fell asleep on my chest. I lay him on the floor curling around him and sleep. I was about to fall asleep when the sound of the door opening wakes me up. He smiles placing the tray down. "Where's the little guy? Is he hiding?!" He tries to sound happy and excited.
"No he's sleeping." I say. Lotor walks over looking over my body to see Liu asleep.
"Let's wake him up." He said. I get up
"No he just fell asleep." I say. Lotor doesn't care and pushes me down gently shaking the boy.
Liu whine rolling over to his hands and knees. He crawls over to me and lays his head on my stomach.
"Time to wake up!" He said shaking the boy.
"Leave him alone he's tired." I says pulling Lotor's hand away from my baby. He grasps my neck tightly forcing me into the floor. I gasp and grab his arm. I twist his skin. He lets go and back hands my face.
I use my tail and pull Liu off. I throw punches back and kick and squirm.
"Fine we'll do it here then. First you, then the baby!" He said pulling out the cuffs and clipping them on. My hands drop to the floor. I'm flipped to my stomach and my ass pushed up. He grinds into me getting himself hard before dropping clothes. He forces himself into me. I scream in pain as he moves. He slaps me and pulls my hair forcing my head down.
"SHUT UP!" He screams thrusting hard. Liu cries getting up to crawl over. Lotor forced him back. Liu curls up covering his ears.
"Momma! Momma!!!" He screams.

It hurts. Everything hurts. "I'm giving you better children. Not some brat!!" Lotor yells at me. His knot growing before locking in. I'm filled with cum.
"Now" He lowers his body and force my head to the side "what do you say for your behavior?"
I quiver and shake.
"I-I'm sorry." I say and cry.
"I'm not finished yet." He said. My mind races with the things he would do to Liu.
"N-No! Please don't hurt him. He didn't do anything. Punish me, he's a baby! Please don't hurt him!" I beg. I plead for Liu's safety, I plead to be punished in his place. Lotor pulls out leaving me on the floor. He moves over to Liu who get up and runs away only to be chased. Lotor grabs him and lifts him up before coming back over and takes the cuffs off. I jump to grab him only to be forced across the room into the floor. Liu screams and shrieks reaching for me. I get up and run after them but the door slams shut. I bang on the door and punch.
"PLEASE! PLEASE DONT HURT HIM!!! BRING HIM BACK!!!!" I scream and cry sliding to the floor in defeat. I listen to Liu's crying down the hall fading away. I hit the door and scream. I punch and kick the wall and scratching marks into the wall. It continues for a long while. I pace restlessly. I pray that he's alive. I bite my nails and rock myself in a corner. After a long while Lotor comes back. With a blanket and food.
"W-where's my baby?" I asked.
"With my generals." He said leaving. I jump and grab him.
"Give him back! I-"

He smacks me and forced me away. "Just for that I'll keep him longer." He said leaving.
"NOOO!" I scream punching and kicking clawing at everything and anything. My hands where bruised and bleeding. I lay down. Alone. I fall asleep. Alone.

Sorry for the long wait.

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