He slips his hands in his pocket and stares at me.

“I believe what you're trying to say is thank you” he says and pops something into his mouth.

I arch an eyebrow.

“Thank you?”.

“You're welcome” he says with a smile.

“No, I was not...” I groan “Please get out” I say clenching my fists.

“I don't think so”.

“Why did they let you in anyway?” I ask searching around for the help button.

“Because I told everyone you were in love with me”.

My jaw drops.

You did what?!

The door opens and my family walks in.

“Oh sweetheart, how are you feeling?”.

I stare blankly at them.


“How can you believe anything this stranger says to you?!”.

They stare at me, then Colton, then back at me.

“What are you talking about?” dad asks.

“Honey I know this is all too much for you but Prince Colton of Illyria is your mate” mom says.

I frown.

“How is this supposed to make me feel better?”.

I glance at him and he winks.

Damn you! 

“We just want you to be happy” mom whispers.

I roll my eyes.

She turns to Colton and goes in for a hug.

“Thank you Your Highness” mom says.

“Please just call me Colton”.

He looks over at me and smirks as he hugs mom tighter, rubbing her back. I narrow my eyes at him.

Dad seemed to be catching on and clears his throat loudly. Colton let's go as dad gives him a deadly glare.

“Well we'll leave you two alone” mom says and begins to pull everyone away.


Colton throws his arms around me.

“Don't worry Mr. and Mrs. Graham. I'll take good care of her and bring her home myself” he says.

I look at him as he smiles and wiggles his brows at me.

“Yes, and you two can go and celebrate mom's birthday... without accidents” Mia chirps, giving me a look and pulling them away.

“I can not believe my own family would leave me alone with a crazy person”.

Colton turns away from the door.

“It's just the two of us beautiful” he says leaning on the door, his arms crossed and his muscles bulging from the tight shirt he wore.

He works out.

“How I'd love to get a glimpse of what's under there” Tia says.

I eye him and bite my lip. He smirks and I slide back in the bed, throwing the covers over my head.

This is going to be one hell of a day!


Colton's POV

I pull up in front of our temporary house for the umpteenth time and rest my head on the stirring wheel.

It's 2am for goodness sake!

Why can't I stop thinking about her? I can't even sleep.

It's driving me crazy that I can't be with the woman I'm meant to be with. I growl and slam my fist on the horn.

“I want you Alexis; and I always get what I want”.


⚛Alexis' POV⚛

I toss an turn. I glance at the clock. It's 2am for crying out loud and I can't sleep because I'm thinking about Colton.

“I think I'm going to loose my sanity if I don't do something” I say and climb out of bed.

I go down the stairs and head straight for the kitchen. I grab the milk and head back up. On my way, I pass mom and dad's room.

Memories of my sleepless nights as a little girl come flooding back. I would sneak into their room and slip in between them till I fell asleep. I smile and approach their door.

“I don't know how we're going to tell Alexis” I hear mom say.

Tell me what?

“Honey she'll understand…”.

“No, Jace. It's going to be very hard for her and us. I'm not okay with our little girl leaving to join her mate lead not just the Silver Wolf Pack but an entire kingdom”.

I pause and draw my hand away from the doorknob. Telling me a complete stranger is my mate isn't enough? Now they want me to leave with him and become royalty?

“Honey, if the elders and the royal family of Illyria get to know we're thinking of bending the rules we'll be in some serious shit” dad says.

“But Jace—”.

“We'll explain it to her to her in the morning, okay my love? She always understands”.

I see the lights go off. I stumble back and run into my room. My eyes sting with tears and I stare at myself in the mirror.

“I don't know how I'm going to take the whole we'll explain it to her thing in the morning, but I know this... there is no way I'm going anywhere with that suck up royal pain in the ass”.

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~the_atticwriter 🖤

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