Chapter 105

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Elua's POV.

Zuko and I had gone separate ways to see if we could find Hakoda. I had wondered around for a while, but I found nothing. I walk out onto the balcony that overlooks the prison-yard and walk over to Sokka and Zuko.
"Listen, I asked around the lounge. There are no Water Tribe prisoners," Zuko says as he lifts up the eyeshade of the helmet on his head. "I'm afraid your Father's not here," He says sadly.
"What?" Sokka asks him in shock. "Are you sure? Did you double-check?" He asks desperately.
"Yeah, I'm sure," Zuko tells him.
"No. No!" Sokka says as he angrily hits the wall behind us.
"I'm really sorry Sokka," Zuko says truthfully.

"So, we came all this way for nothing?" Sokka asks as he shakes his head. "I failed. Again," He says as he leans on the wall dejectedly.
"No, you didn't," I state. "You did everything you could," I tell him as I put my hand on the side of his face, he holds my wrist and leans into my touch.
"Err, what would Uncle say?" I hear Zuko mumble to himself. "Sometimes clouds have two sides, a dark, and light. And a silver lining in between. It's like a silver sandwich. So...when life seems hard...take a bite out of the silver sandwich," Zuko says. I look over to him in complete confusion, but Sokka smiles.

"Maybe we haven't failed after all," Sokka says as he walks over and leans against the railing.
"That's the spirit. I can't believe that worked. I didn't even know what I was saying," Zuko says in surprise as he crosses his arms.
"No, what you said made no sense at all. But look!" Sokka says pointing to someone, I follow where he is pointing to and look down into the prison yard. I smile as I see Suki sitting by herself, surrounded by a bunch of other prisoners.
"It's Suki!" I say happily.
"Prisoners! Back in your cells!" A guard shouts as a bell rings and all the prisoners begin to walk back inside. 

Sokka and I take quickly take off to find Suki, Zuko shortly behind us. It doesn't take long to find Suki's cell. Sokka opens the door and we walk in while Zuko stands guard at the door.
"Did I do something wrong?" Suki asks angrily as she sits up on her bed.
"You mean you don't recognize us?" Sokka asks.
"You people all look the same to me," Suki says as she shakes her head, obviously not realizing it's us.
"Oh. Then maybe you'll recognize this," Sokka says grinning as he goes to do the same thing she did to him back in Ba Sing Se, but Suki kicks him against the wall.

"Is that how you guys will always greet each other?" I ask her as I take off my helmet and smile at her, her scowl turns into a bright smile as she realizes it's me.
"Elua!" Suki says happily as she runs over and gives me a big hug.
"The other Kyoshi Warriors, are they here?" Sokka asks as he stands up and Suki lets go of me.
"No, I don't know where they are. They locked me in here because I'm the leader," Suki states.
"Well, you won't be here for long," Sokka tells her.
"We're getting you out," I state.
"I'm so glad to see you guys. I knew you'd come," Suki says, smiling as she hugs both of us.

We hear Zuko tap on the other side of the door, warning us that someone is coming and we need to hurry up.
"'Scuse me, I need to get into that cell," We here a woman say outside. Sokka and I duck behind the door, making sure she can't see us through the peephole.
"No, you can't go in there," Zuko says nervously. "The lights are out...the prisoner could sneak up on you," He tells her.
"Step aside, fool," The woman tells him angrily.
"Hey! Hey! What are you doing?" She yells as we hear Zuko attack her and a thud against the door.

Sokka and I put our helmets back on our heads and quietly leave the cell as Zuko distracts the guard.
"Guards, help!" The woman shouts from behind us. I look over to Sokka nervously, knowing we had no choice but to help her. "I think he's an imposter! Argh! Arrest him!" She orders us. We turn around and look at each other again, I nod and we walk over to them. Sokka gets Zuko away from the female guard as I help her to her feet.
"You're under arrest!" Sokka shouts as he knocks Zuko down and puts his hands behind his back. I walk over to them as Sokka lifts Zuko to his feet.
"Don't worry, we'll figure it out," I whisper to Zuko as we lead him down the metal hallways.

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