XXII: Balance

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He rolled his eyes before stepping back to nudge her into the couch. "I'll just tell him that you don't want to talk. Don't worry about it."

Remy groaned slightly as he began walking away. She reached for a pillow to stuff into her face to calm her nerves as Callux disappeared into the hall.

Callux sighed slightly before he cracked open the door to Joe. "What's up man?"

Joe glared at him before asking, "Where's Rem?"

Callux looked away for a slight second. "On the couch in there." He replied. "But she doesn't wanna talk."

Joe scoffed while rolling his eyes. "Look, man. I didn't come all the over here just to be fake with you. Let come in and talk to her."

"About what? If it's about the video, get over it man." Callux countered. "It wasn't that deep."

As soon as Remy heard that she got up from the couch knowing things were going to escalate, which she didn't want to happen especially between Lux and Joe. She made her way to the door and shouldered Callux out of the way.

"The fuck you want Joe?" She sighed leaning against the doorframe. Not wanting to look into his eyes.

He shook his head. "What the hell do you think I'm here for, Rem?"

"I don't understand why you're here." She shrugged before finally looking up. "You told me to leave you alone and that's exactly what I've been doing."

"Bullshit. You agreed to that stupid fucking video. And for what? You hate being on camera." He spat, his blood began boiling.

"So you are here because of that?" She raised her voice. Callux stayed near the door incase he needed to interfere. "After all the shit you put me through, I thought I atleast deserved something... anything to get you back for it."

"After all the shit I put you through? What about all the shit I did FOR you?" Joe shot back.

"You know I've been more than thankful for you, you bellend! How can you throw away everything we've ever had over a fucking fight that didn't even involve me?" She agrued back knowing the conversation wasn't going to solve anything, but instead cause more damage.

"You really think I'm out to get you or something?" He laughed out of pure anger. "You're evil and sick, Remona."

Remy glared at him with her eyebrows furrowed. "Oh, I'm evil?

"I told you to leave me alone because I needed to work on myself!" He yelled at her, hitting his fist on the outside wall of the flat. Remy flinched at his sudden outburst but still stood tall against him. "I was actually starting to feel good with myself until this morning because of you and that fucking prick!"

Remy rolled her eyes. "You really don't get it Joe, do you?" She started messing with her hands, getting bored of arguing. "You don't think I questioned myself everyday after that fight? Wondering what I did wrong or what was even wrong with myself? Why I wasn't good enough anymore for you? Why you dropped me so easily? I know we agreed to a break, but I still never understood the sole reason why we fell apart. And that's what eats my at mind every fucking day."

She could tell Joe's body languange changed as his jaw unclenched and his hands seemed to relax. He began to speak, but Remy immediately cut him off. "Save it alright? I really don't want to fall into your pity trap again and give my hopes up. Just know, the video is staying up and I'm not sorry for it."

Joe shook his head once again. "Fuck you, Remona."

Remy rolled her eyes. She couldn't let Joe leave with bad blood between them so she caught his hand before he could fully walk away. "Wait..." She called out quietly.

"What?" He groaned clearly annoyed, unable to look at her. Remy threw herself into his chest wrapping her arms around his torso.

"I really don't like fighting with you and I care about you more than anything. From now on, I'll leave you alone alright? I promise." She admitted quietly hoping he would react the same.

He sighed before slowly returning the hug. "Let's move on, okay? Sometimes I wish I could just erase you from my mind, but you're making it really hard. Please understand I'm trying to better myself."

Remy nodded as she pulled away. "I respect that, Joe. Please take care of yourself." She stated before stepping back into the flat.

"I love you..." Joe said softly.

Remy smiled sadly before nodding again. "I love you too." She took one last look at him until she closed the door behind her. Remy didn't know what to feel afterwards. Good? I guess. She was relieved that there wasn't anymore tension between them. But it was at this time she noticed Callux wasn't near the door anymore. In fact, she heard distant yelling coming from the hall.

She slowly turned the corner of the hall as the yelling stopped. Remy assumed he was in his room so she as she made her way over there she heard excessive clatter as if he was wreslting an alligator. Remy furrowed her eyebrows once she reached the door.

Remy put her ear to the door but couldn't hear anything. She knocked lightly not recieving an answer. Taking a deep breath, Remy gently turned the knob. Upon entering there were several polaroid pictures scattered all over his room, some torn and trashed. She noticed they were the ones that were previously hung up on his wall. Callux was sitting at the edge of his bed with his head in hands and his elbows placed on his knees. "Fucking go away." He mumbled.

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