Harry peeked into the living room and grinned at the sight of Louis playing with the puppy , and he knew that tomorrow he'll be taking Louis to adopt one .

Louis sighed softly and let the puppy rest in his arms as he thought to himself . He knows there's nothing to get jealous over , Harry loves him . Though he couldn't help but overthink about that cheerleader flirting with Harry and getting her hands on him .

Soon Harry walked back into the living room , he sat next to Louis and looked down at the sleeping puppy in his arms . "I see you two bonded ."

"Yeah , kind of . He's cute ." Louis nodded a little , when there was a knock on the door . Harry turned to the door , "It must be her ." He said and got up to open the door .

Louis sat up straight , shoulders pulled back slightly while he tried making an intimidating expression . If only he knew he failed .

He heard the door open and Harry greeting the cheerleader , telling her to follow him inside . What Louis wasn't expecting to see was a little girl not older than ten years old , wearing cute black and pink cheerleading outfit with her golden hair in two pony tails , holding Harry's hand as they walked into the living room .

His mouth fell open in surprise , cheeks painted with blush of embarrassment . 

"There's Bean , with Louis ." Harry said as he took the little girl closer to Louis , crouching down to his knees in front of him . "Louis , this is Sandy , my cheerleader friend . Sandy , this is Louis , my boyfriend . He helped me watch over your puppy , and Bean seems to like him quite a lot ."

Sandy smiled shyly at Louis , Louis smiled back and handed her the puppy , "Hi love ."

"Hi ." She said and took the puppy , cradling him under her chin . She turned to Harry and whispered , "Your boyfriend is pretty ."

Harry grinned and whispered back . "I know ." He winked .

"Thank you for watching over Bean ." She said , Harry rubbed her back , "It's no problem , both Louis and I loved having him over . You can always ask me to watch over him ." He said and tapped his cheek in her direction , she leaned in and pecked his cheek quickly , giggling with red cheeks .

"Come on , I'll walk you out ." Harry said and stood up , his hand on her shoulder .

"Bye Louis ." Sandy waved goodbye , Louis waved , "Bye , lovely meeting you ."

He watched Harry and Sandy walking out of the house , burying his face in his hands . He cannot believe Harry made him jealous over a ten years old girl .

Harry walked back into the house and closed the door , and one look at Louis made him burst into laughter , holding his stomach .

"This isn't funny !" Louis whined and fell on his back on the couch , a pillow pressed to his face .

"This is sooo funny !" Harry cackled , walking over to him .

"You didn't tell me she's ten !" Louis took the pillow off his face , hitting Harry with it . Harry laughed and blocked him , wrestling the pillow away from his hands , "I couldn't ! You're too precious when you're jealous ."

"No ! Not funny at all , Harold !" Louis slapped and pushed Harry's away from reaching out to tickle him , "You are the devil and I hate you right now !" He said , squeaking the last word out when Harry's fingers managed to get to his stomach .

Harry laughed along with him , "Nooo forgive me ! I come in peace !"

Louis laughed loudly and squirmed all over , kicking weakly , "Stop !! I'm dying ! I'm dying !"

"Alright , if you insist ." Harry slowly stopped , moving to cup Louis' cheeks and kiss his breathless lips .

Louis pushed him back a little , "Unlike you , I need to breathe ." He took in deep gulps of breath , when the oven went off . Harry turned his head before turning back to Louis , "I'll be right back ." He pecked him quickly before going to the kitchen .

Louis held his stomach as he caught his breath back , closing his eyes . He still can't believe he was jealous of a little girl . But it was Harry's fault , he didn't tell him her age .

He moved to sit himself against the arm of the couch , arms crossed over his chest . Harry walked into the living room and sat next to him , "Food's almost ready . Want to kiss you now ." He moved closer , though Louis placed his hand against his mouth , "No , I'm mad at you ."

He felt Harry pouting against his hand , "But Louuu ..."

Louis took his hand off , though turned his face away when Harry leaned into his lips . Harry kissed his cheek repeatedly and wrapped his arms around his small body , moving down to kiss his neck .

"I'm sorry I made you jealous , baby . But you're so cute when you're jealous ." He cooed and kissed his cheek , before pecking his lips softly .

Louis rubbed the tip of his nose against Harry's , "Wasn't nice of you ."

"I know , but you're too cute to resist ." He kissed him , Louis moved his hands to cup Harry's cheeks , "If you ever pull anything like this you can kiss cuddle time goodbye ."

Harry whined , Louis smiled softly and bit back a giggle , "That's what I thought ."


Hope you liked it x


Larry Stylinson -ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now