Chapter 1

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Do you believe in the paranormal? If anyone asked me that question my answer would be yes. In fact I always feel like I'm being watched. I don't take it into effect and it doesn't bug me at all. Why you ask? Cause I believe my long lost friend is watching over me. Like a guardian angel. Although, I feel a presence almost everywhere I go but I still don't mind.

I'm what you would call the quiet one of the group. I don't talk much but when someone tries to make a conversation with me that I don't want to be apart of, I would either get grumpy or try to make them shut up as quick as possible. I do talk when I have something to say but other than that, you won't hear a peep out of me. The group of friends that I hang out with can be a weird at times but they are the only ones who truly get me. I wouldn't really call them my friends, more like acquaintances.

The only true friend that I let into my heart was Maria. A human girl that I was created to protect and I failed. She died saving me and I haven't let anyone else get to close to me, in fear that same thing will happen again. She is the one I think is my guardian angel.

"Shadow? Earth to Shadow." said my closest friend Rouge knocking me from my thoughts. Rouge the bat is my closest friend because she was the one that got everyone to trust me before when I went on a murder rage.


"Huh? Oh sorry Rouge. I was just thinking about something."

"Did you hear what I just asked?" she put her hand on her hips looking at me with a raised eye ridge.


"Oh Shadow. *Sighs* I was just asking you what your plans are for Halloween tomorrow." 'Shit, I completely forgot that was tomorrow.' "Well?"

"I don't have anything planned. Why do you ask?"

"Well Amy, Knuckie and Blaze were all talking about going ghost hunting."

"Ghost hunting?"

"Yeah. Oh wait, you weren't listening. Pay attention this time."

"Alright, alright. you have my attention."

"Halloween is a time were spirits can make the most contact with those still alive. Or that's how the legend goes that is."

"So, how are going to find and capture a ghost?"

"Now here's the best part. We were wondering if you would like to talk to Maria one last time?" I looked over at her surprised since we were walking to my place.

"Really?! You mean that!?"

"Of course I do. It's been how long since you got a chance to talk with your first friend?"

"Too long. I have meaning to tell you, that I, well." I go closer to her ear. "Feel a presence in my house." I pull back to see her reaction and boy was she ever shocked.

"Y-you do?"

"Yeah." we look forward as we continue walking and soon have to part ways.

"I'll keep that in mind Shadow. See you tomorrow." she waves as she turns to go home.

"Alright, see ya." I wave back and head for home. When I get home, I lay down on my couch and put an arm over my eyes. 'Maybe, just maybe, we can talk to her. Wouldn't hurt to try.' At that moment I felt the presence move closer to me. I don't move in case something happens. Then I don't feel it in the room, but somewhere else in the house. I sigh and sit up straight looking at my t.v.

My house isn't much just a t.v. in the living room and a couch with coffee table facing it. Connected to the kitchen with a table in it was behind the couch a few feet back. A hallway that leads to my room on the left and a bathroom on the right.

I turn the t.v. on and barley paid any attention to it. I turn it off and head to bed hoping that we can somehow talk to her. 'What if it isn't her but a different spirit instead?' I lay down in my bed on my back staring at the black ceiling. 'What if Maria is watching me from heaven and this spirit is someone else watching me?' I soon fall into a dreamless sleep and hope that the spirit is Maria.

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