“Shinozaki!?!?!” A familair voice called out.
Ayumi ignored it. It was probably her imagination again anyway.
“Are you okay, Shinozaki?!?! It’s me, Kishinuma!”
The voice echoed through her head. She wanted to speak up, but it felt like a giant lump was caught in her throat.
She didn’t move at all. She stood in silence.
Ayumi closed her eyes, trying to make the voice go away.
She didn’t want to feel more pain.
When she opened her eyes, and glanced out the window, she gasped in suprise.
Out there, Yoshiki was hanging, begging to be let in.
She made her way to the window, and opened it.
Yoshiki almost fell down but managed to hold on.
“Yoshiki…? What are you doing here..?
The bleached chuckled. “I’m back to see you, of course.”
She reached her hand out to touch his cheek. She wasn’t sure if this was real or not.
“Yoshiki-kun…?” she mumbled.
Yoshiki was suprised that she said his first name so casually.
“Are you.. really here..? You aren’t.. dead?”
“What a starnge question to ask.” he chuckled. “Of course I’m alive. I came back for you in Heavenly Host.. Don’t you remember?”
Ayumi’s mind was flushed with more memories. It almost made her dizzy. Yoshiki, the person who always protected and cared for her.
Yoshiki saw the motion in her eyes return and smiled at the twinkle that popped up in her eye.
“ I’ll always be here for you. And I always will if you-”

Corpse Party Blood Drive TRUE End
RomanceSOO we were quite frustrated about the bd ending, it felt incomplete, sooooo we decided to finish it FOR THEM