Ayumi rarely had any visitors, so she didn’t have a lot of supplies. Now if she came to think of it, she didn’t have anything to eat since the Heavenly host incident.
After all, the only company she’s had since, was the Book of Shadows and the Sachi reflection in the mirror. She felt alone the whole time, but when Yoshiki showed up, she felt reborn. Her heart felt lit up, and she felt like she found something that was missing.
Yoshiki finished his tea and looked out of the window for a second.
“Shinozaki.. I need to go somewhere real quick, can you wait?”
Ayumi felt her chest get heavier. She didn’t want to be alone again.
Yoshiki got up to leave.
“I’ll come with you.” She whispered, but Yoshiki didn’t hear hear words.
7 hours passed, and Yoshiki still didn’t come back.
“Was it all in my head…?” she mumbled. Her eyes slowly got darker, untill they were motionless again.
She picked up the Book Of Shadows and sat down to stare at the mirror again.
This time, Sachi wasn’t there, but she saw herself sitting on a chair, with Yoshiki behind her.
She felt warm tears rolling down her face, and she started sobbing.
“Yoshiki.. You said.. You’d protect me forever.. You said you’d never let me go..”
She wiped her face with her hand and stopped crying, but she couldn’t stop the tears from dropping out of her eyes. “I need you..”
She felt a familair warmth again, and turned around. “Yo.. shi.. ki?”

Corpse Party Blood Drive TRUE End
RomanceSOO we were quite frustrated about the bd ending, it felt incomplete, sooooo we decided to finish it FOR THEM