20. Voicemail

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~~~ recap ~~~

"BRADDDDDD???!!!!" I screamed.

"Baby what's wrong?!" He yelled when he was running to my room.

"Look!!!!" I said while passing my phone to him.

"Oh.. My.. God.." He said while looking at my phone.

~~~ end recap ~~~

It was a voicemail from my mum, she's back.

Voicemail from The Devil aka Mum 👹 : "Honey.... , I'm back.... But where are you...? I'm gonna find you and then I'm gonna hostage you till you're dead... Don't worry, I'll find you soon dear, see you later..."

And after what she said that, the line was dead. Brad looked me in the eyes, his eyes full of anger, concerned and sadness. He hold me tight with his arms and I just cried.

"I'll protect you princess, you're safe with me. I love you."

"I love you too Brad, I love you too." I said when I kissed his cheek and he wiped my tears away.

Brad's POV

What the fuck is wrong with that woman! She's threatening her own daughter, her own flesh and blood! I seriously don't know what to do, should I leave with her? Just go to a place that nobody knows, just with the two of us.

I was still hugging her till I saw that she pulled away.

"Are you okay babe?" I said trying not to cry.

"I-I-I.. I'm.. I'm just in s-s-ho-ck I think." She cried.

"Come here baby." I said while pulling her back.

And again we heard footsteps on the stairs. It was Tris.

"Is everything okay? Wait, Alex, why are you crying?" He said while looking at the tears who are falling on the floor.

"No it's not okay." I said in anger.

"Do you want to tell it?" I asked.

"Go ahead." She said stumbling over her words.

When I told the whole story to Tristan he looked in shock. Tristan looked at Alex and hugged her immediately.

"Thank you." She said with a small voice.

"Anything for you dear." He said back.

"I don't know if you still want to go out tonight, I'll call Con to say that you'll stay here okay?" I said while I stood up.

"Nooo, stay here my dear. I'm not gonna sit here alone! I'm going with you guys!!" She screamed.

"Quoting our songs ey." Tristan grinned.

"I'll stay here with you, just here at my house, but please, it's the best for you." I said while I kissed her cheek.

"Brad.. I wanna go out with everybody, please?" She begged.

"Okay, but if you're not feeling well, and I can see that on the look of your face, then we're going to my house immediately okay?"

"Okay." She said, quoting The Fault In Our Stars.

Alex POV

When we were a bit calmed down from everything I took a bath and Brad was changing his clothes in his/our room.

"Can I come in? I have to do my hair and stuff." He said.

"Or it's just a bad excuse to see me naked." I said back.

"Cheeky idea, but no, I seriously have to do my hair cause it takes forever."

"Okay come in, I'm covered in bubbles so everything's fine."

He opened the bathroom door and walked inside with his half naked body. He looked so good, oh my god.

"Like what you see aye?" He said while pointing at his torso.

"No I saw a spider in your bellybutton, that's why I was staring." I said making him laugh at my stupid joke.

"You know you love my bellybutton." He said coming closer and closer.

I just pocked him and he grinned.

"Can I join you? We have nothing better to do, it's 4 PM and Tris and Joy are at Tris' house, so yeah." He said looking at me.

"Yeah of course, but put swimming trousers on please." I yelled, just when he wanted to unzip his pants.

"Haha why? It's not that we never saw each other naked before." He winked.

"Brad you only saw my bum and I saw you in your swimming trousers when I wanted to shower." I said.

"Okay, I saw you naked, the back of you, but it counts the same?"

"No baby it isn't, but I don't care haha. Just put your swimming trousers on and join me." I smiled.

"But.. You're.. Naked.. Right..?" He asked confused.

"No, I'm in my bikini haha, maybe this sounds a bit weird but I don't sit in a bath naked in somebody's bath. And I brought a few bikini's with me before the accident would happen again." I laughed.

"Okay, be right back." He grinned.

I was making more bubbles and I made more space for Brad so that he could sit with me.

"You're such a child." I suddenly heard, of course it was Brad with his perfect body.

"Says you, you smacked me with shaving foam !!! Seriously Brad." I laughed and blew bubbles to him. He joined in and he immediately was covered in bubbles.

"I love you Alexandra." He said and pecked my lips.

"I love you too Bradley." And kissed him back.

When we pulled away we just gazed in each other's eyes and say sweet things about each other. But suddenly Brad's phone rang.

What the heck? Brad took his phone from the edge of the bath and clicked on answer, it was a anonymous number.

Brad's POV

"Hello?" I said.

"Is this Bradley William Simpson?"

"Uhmm, yeah? I'm Brad, who are you?"

"I know that Alexandra is with you, I'll find you mate."

And with that the person hung up.

"Brad are you okay? Who was that?" Alex asked in panic.

"I don't know... I think your mum." I answered. And she sat there in shock, next to me in the bathtub, with her eyes wide open. And suddenly I saw a tear from her eye rolling on her cheek.

"It's gonna be okay, I'm here for you princess. Let's go out of the bathtub, and go out, maybe take our suitcases with us, cause we're going for a few weeks to somewhere else." I said to her.

"Shall we Brad?"

"We shall Alex."


So I thought it would be more interesting if Alex' mum came back from vacation. How would it end...




I want you to be mine // Brad Simpson FanfictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora