Guess Who Cried in School?

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In the beginning of Forensics class, my teacher got a phone call. As he was talking, I heard him say my name, so I was kinda confused. Then he turned to me and said, "Cia, it's for you. She said to go in the hall."

At this point I'm even more confused (and a little scared), so I took the call and realized it was my counselor. She said "I didn't know if you heard about your brother yet."

I hadn't, so she told me that he was in the hospital. At this point, I'm scared as all hell, and she tells me that I can go to her office. So I take my things and do so.

She told me he had smoked marijuana, and he had a bad reaction to it. He went ballistic in the cafeteria (she said he even took someone's glasses and broke them), he passed out twice in the nurse's office, and was currently in the emergency room.

She gave me gum and a bottle of water, and she told me to call someone. So, I called my dad, who I knew was with him (she told me he was told to meet my brother at the hospital, and I thought my mom was there too, but I didn't know for sure). He told me that my brother was okay, he was just stupid.

When my counselor came back, I told her I'll be fine, but she knew I was lying, so she let me stay in her office. I really wanted to go home, but didn't want to sound needy to my parents. She kinda figured I wanted to leave, so she told me to text my parents and if they gave permission for someone else to pick me up, I can go.

So I text them, and ask them if it was okay if a family friend or someone can pick me up from school. I told them that I really didn't want to hear the rumors, and I felt if I did, I'd start crying all over again. (Which was very true.)

I ended with, "I don't want to sound needy, so I understand if you want me to stay." Because I'm an anxious child.

And these were, verbatim, my parents' replies:

Mom: You're not being needy. Just tell everyone your brother is an idiot. We're both at the hospital, it's best if you stay in school.

Dad: You can mix it up - feel free to use idiot, moron, dumb***, braindead, etc. They're all accurate adjectives at this point

I was dreading my last four classes, so this wasn't helping. Why was I dreading my last four classes, you ask?

Psychology - we're talking about death and dying, which I almost cried with yesterday.

Lunch - not really a class, but I'm so gonna hear rumors.

Chemistry - My teacher taught my brother last year, and she's a mom teacher - she knows when something's wrong.

Health - She's also a mom teacher, so she'll ask what's up.

Anyway, my counselor comes back, and I tell her the situation, so she calls my dad and convinces him to let me go home.

So I'm currently in her office, waiting for one of my parents to pick me up.

I'm not really close with my brother, but if he died, I have no idea what I'd do...

So yeah. My 2019 so far has been 60% death and near-death. Fun...

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