Of Fire and Ice

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"I need the sword and I want you to fight along side me

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

"I need the sword and I want you to fight along side me." He said, "You know that you cant have both." The woman said, "I didn't mean that blade." He said, "Ah I see you want her blade then." She said with distain, "Oh come now no need to be like that, it's in Bast's nature to be that way." He said, "Fine it's not like I care what you do with her, just remember our pact master." She said as an icy blade manifested in her hand, "I hate ice, I hate it so much." She said, "That's not surprising considering your element." He said, "What are you two talking about!" I shouted, "oh you didn't realize it yet? Abaddon here is only one of the ten demons I have pacts with the two most powerful demons are Abaddon the princess of Hell fire, and Bast the icy princess of pleasure." He said as the icy blade shattered in Abaddon's hand revealing a new sword.

She tossed it to Grey, "It's heavier than last time, are you sure this is really Bast's blade?" He asked, "Oh so the living contradiction is complaining about his ice bitch?" Abaddon said, "Whatever it'll be fine

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

She tossed it to Grey, "It's heavier than last time, are you sure this is really Bast's blade?" He asked, "Oh so the living contradiction is complaining about his ice bitch?" Abaddon said, "Whatever it'll be fine." He said as he stabbed it into the ground.  "LET'S GET THIS FIGHT STARTED SHALL WE!" He shouted as all the solders behind him froze than shattered.

He rushed at Sky and grabbed her by the throat and began to choke her, "LET MY DAUGHTER GO!" Blake shouted as she shot at Grey, one of her shots grazed his hand, "Oww that really hurt I think I might have lost my grip!" He said as he threw Sky at us as hard as he could. Sky coughed a bit as she struggled to catch her breath. I ran at him and slashed repeatedly and as I slashed a trail of flames followed the tip of my blade, However my brother avoided my attacks effortlessly. "Master this one is getting on my nerves may I kill her?" Abaddon asked as she held Weiss by her long ponytail, "You act like I care." He said, "Perfect." She said menacingly, "WEISS NOOOO!" Ruby screamed as her silver eyes activated, "WHAT?!" Abaddon yelled, "Here's some free advice kiddos when you protect someone don't let them die, when you block a blade, don't let it cut you, and when you attack, you kill!" A man said from inside a dust cloud, "T...that voice... it can't be!" I said in shock, "ICHIGO!!!" Blake yelled as she ran to him, "Oh um hi Blake." He said as she clung to his arm, "WAIT YOUR ALIVE?!" Ruby asked in shock, "I don't know who or... what you are lady, but no one hurts them and lives." He said as he slung his enormous blade over his shoulder, "Eve wheres my son?" Rangiku whispered to me, "Up there." I said pointing to Glynda's office, "Great, well I'm off." She said, "RANGIKU!" Toshiro and Rukia yelled, "(y/n) called us here to help and also for the wedding, but this is more important. So let's make sure he still has a girlfriend to come back to." Rukia said, "Alright fine." Rangiku said as they began to attack my brother, I switched my blade to its fan mode. "TEMPEST FLARE!" I shouted as I swung my fan downwards causing a enormous wave of flames to barrel towards Grey and Abaddon. "Master I suggest we retreat for now." Abaddon suggested, "Fine let's go they were a waist of time anyway." He said as they disappeared in a blaze of Hell fire. "Ok now let's take care of the rest of the army, Ichigo and Toshiro you two help Chris with that Adam guy!" I said as we all went into battle.

Grey POV

"Master are you alright?" Bast asked in concern.

"Master are you alright?" Bast asked in concern

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

 "I'm fine." I said as I sat in my personal throne, "After all I am the third demon gate." I bragged, "I'm the only one here with a pure demonic harem." I said, "Your arrogance knows no bounds Grey." A woman said as she entered my throne room, "Lady Pandora!" I said as I knelled before her, "I apologize for my arrogance my lady." I said, "You may rise Grey, do not apologize, take pride in what's rightfully yours. You have truly earned this... harem of yours, but tell me why are you not out on the front lines with Jeremy?" She asked, "There was a minor set back, Jeremy decided to pay tribute to his "goddess" and attempt to cause a second Fall of Beacon my lady." I said, "I see so he still worships Cinder Fall. Well then I promote you to the first demon gate and I would like you to dissolve one of your pacts, as the leader of the twelve demon gates you will need to subjugate a chaos demon." She said as she walked away.  


Glynda Goodwitch

Cinder Fall

Blake Belladonna

Pyrrha Nikos

Nora Valkyrie


Every girl in Beacon


Rangiku Matsumoto

Retsu Unohana

Rukia Kuchiki

Yoruichi Shihouin

Kali Belladonna

Vanessa Fullbuster

Eve Fullbuster


Neliel tu Oderschvank

Summer Rose

Juliet Summers

Amanda Summers

Scarlet Winters Fullbuster

Amber Winters Fullbuster

Ava Winters


Rose Scarlet

Erza Scarlet

Raven Blake

April Black

Neo Politan

Melody Morningstar


Coco Adel

Hope Adel

Tory Adel

Overprotective Glynda Goodwitch  x Male  abandoned child readerHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin