Chapter Twelve: Work.

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Rile's P.O.V.

Chapter 12.

"Well, that went as well as expected." Kurt mutters lowly causing Issac to chuckle.

"How you guys thought that would go well is beyond me." He mumbles causing Nova's brothers to glance his way.

"Should we go after her?" Leo asks hesitantly glancing at the door that had closed after Nova had stormed off.

"No, give her some time." They don't argue against the curly haired boy who pulls out his phone and hands it over to Oliver with nothing else but a nudge. It's easy to see how the two of them had grown close to one another, seeing as only the two of them and my brother knew where Nova was for so long, the two had to have gotten close.

"You think she'll agree to it?" Carter asks Issac who shrugs.

"Not very willingly..."

"She's more comfortable with her brothers, but we all know she'd be in Vegas given a choice."

"Even if she could, Liv can't fight off the Valcoins on her own." Leo mused.

"No, but Liv treats her normally. You guys flinch when she does, always keep her at arm's length. They weren't afraid to bump shoulders, dealt with a flinch like a sneeze." Issac tells the group.

"He's right." I mutter causing everyone to glance my way.

"Mickey always made sure we treated Liv normally, there's a limit to it but it worked most times." I state causing Kurt to sigh.

"Liv's not like Nova though, different people react to things differently." Kurt argues. Issac nods and stands straight when Oliver hands back his phone while the younger boy talks.

"She'll stay here for now then, if we have to we'll take her to you guys but for now it's better if she's here, along with Issac." Oliver states causing my eyes to narrow on Issac who stays silent.

"She's more comfortable with him around, we have the room and Nela doesn't hate him so there shouldn't be any protest on her part."

"It'd also be helpful to have him around if we're ever not here and someone shows up unexpectedly." Leo states.

"Fine with me." Kurt mutters as Carter nods.

"Nash can drop him off later then." Carter mutters as he motions to the door. Archer and Nash head to the door with Daniel in tow.

"He can take my car, won't be needing it anyway." Leo states as he hands Issac some car keys.

"Just try not to crash it kid." Leo mutters lowly as Issac nods and leaves the room leaving Carter and I alone with the three brothers.

"Do you guys think your father will do anything to go against us?" Carter asks them causing Kurt to sigh.

"You never know with Peter." Kurt mutters truthfully.

"It is the second time he's suggested handing her over." I remind them, utterly annoyed with the fact that the Black family patriarch had once again told us to hand Nova over if we wanted any chance of survival.

"That doesn't mean we'll do it." Leo snides.

"No, but why bring it up again unless he's actively communicating with them?" I ask the group. No one answers until Kurt sighs.

"Guess we just have to keep an eye on him." He mutters as Carter nods.

"Keep us updated." My older brother states simply before heading to the door. I stay quiet as I follow after him, heading to the driver seat when Carter throws over the keys. The drive over is relatively quiet, with Issac and Nash both trailing us in Leo's car the talk is kept to a minimum.

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