I'm The Princess, and He's The Prince : Chapter 2 Part 2

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I want to make part 2 longer so here is what happens next :] Hope you vote and comments.


Chapter 2 Part 2

"Heh Candy. Over here," I hear Germany yelled.

I walked over to him and pretend not to notice the people staring at me. I fake a smile, but sit at the end of the table from where Germany sit. The girls, Becca and Sophie were glaring at me with evil eyes. I looked at my food and pretend to be eating the nasty food that the cafetaria sseem to make everyday.

"Heh," Germany said moving to sit right next to me.

"Hi," I slowly whisper back.

"I called you like 5 times and you didn't even turn around. Is something wrong with you?" Germany ask.

"Nothing's wrong," I fake smile at him again.

"Are you going to Prom?" Germany asked.

I froze there. Is he trrying to ask me out or is it just a random question since prom is coming up.

"Candy?" He said in front of my face.

I looked into his deep blue eyes and manage to get the word, "No."

"What, are you serious? You're pretty and no one asked you out. Come on man," He said.

"I just don't want to go," I lied even though I have waited for Prom in a long time.

"I was just going to ask you if you want to go with me since I was new here and like you're the only girl who I met and is single," He said.

"You're going?" I ask.

"Yeah. Will you go with me," He said.

"That girl will never go," Becca cut into the conversation.

"Sure," I said before Germany can say anything.

"Whatever," Sophie whisper to Becca even though I can hear them.

"Great," Germany said. "I'll get to know you better since Prom is in 4 days."

"Yeah," I blushed, but he didn't see since he turn away to high-five with his friends.

"Heh can you do me a favor?" He ask looking into my eyes.

"Sure," I smile a real smile.

"Can you put your hair down?" Germany said.

"Sure..." I answered as I pull the rubber-band out of my hair.

Again the stylish cut of my hair cover my face. I get my hair out of my face and before I know it, I can see the boys around me with Becca and Sophie mouth dropped open.

"You're..." Becca's boyfriend said.

"I know. Isn't she?" Germany said smiling.

"Beautiful," Sophie's boyfriend said.

"Huh?" I looked confuse.

"That's why I want her to be my Prom date," Germany said as he put his hand over my shoulder without my permission.

It's a warm hug and the first one I've got from a "Boy."

After he removed his hand, I pull my hair up again and went to dump my tray with a good-bye from Germany as the bell rings.


The noise on my bus was so loud. I sat on the front, not wanting to get in a fight with the people on the back. A few moments later, I saw Becca coming into the bus. She looked around and saw that nobody was sitting with me while the other seat was full. She sat down next to me like she was mad at me.

"Heh," Becca said when the bus starts moving.

I didn't answer, instead I looked out the window and pretend to be interested in the passing cars.

"Candy. Are you going to the Prom?" She asked slowly.

"Yeah," I said.

"Are you going with Germany?" She ask.

"Yeah," I said not looking at her.

"You know, he's a nice boy. Better than my boyfriend anyway. I liked him and would dump Daniel to go to Prom with him, so you better back off," Becca said.

Daniel is Becca's boyfriend since middle school. She's so mean. I hate her because at school she always make fun of me saying how ugly I look and how stupid my name was. I think she is jeleous that I'm going to Prom with Germany.

"He's going with me," I said even though I know that will get me into a fight with Becca.

"Then I'll have to get him back," She said.

"Whatever," I said and can see that she was going to blast off the seat any time.

The bus stop and I get up. Without looking at her, I said, "Excuse me. This is my stop."

She didn't move, so I just bump her over and she almost fall down. People are holding bacak giggles, but I don't care and step out of the bus. I can tell that Becca's turning red, eithier from embrassment or anger.


Hope you enjoy and comments/ vote.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2010 ⏰

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