Chapter 1

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" Scarlet wake up it's your birthday " my mother yelled as you can see my name is Scarlet Jacobs and I'm the daughter of my pack Alpha my mother and father happen to be Alpha Chris and Luna Skylar and if you are the daughter of a Beta or a Alpha you mate might be a Alpha or a Beta. werewolf don't find their mate until their 19 years old but i'm a late blower

" momma i want to sleep " i groaned i heard her giggle at me let say with my Australian accent my vocie sould like my brother Spencer he to soon to be Alpha of the blood rose pack the ememy are vampire and the dark skull pack they attack our pack 8 time and we are scared to know if they will attack again but we are ready for them

" Happy Birthday to you HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO SCARLET " my father sang loud may i add i'm not say he bad but let say he can make your ears bleed i watch my dad come in with birthday breakfest and a birthday cake piece on the tray and my brother spencer walk in with the present and my two best friend Hannah and Sierra ran in giving my our normal birthday hugs

" HAppy b day Scar " Hannah scream and i laughed " happy birthday Jacobs " Sierra scream hugging me to and i laughed harder " thanks girls " i said hugging then " here your breakest sweetie and a little birthday cake " dad said and i smiled at him

" thank you dad " i said digging in to my food " slow down pup " Spencer said messing up my hair i growled and pounce on him we start wresting with my friends and parent laughing at us i pushed him off and got back on my bed

" present time " Sierra yelled and i scream jumping to the left taking Hannah with me we both groaned " Mathews my ear " i said tackling her to the ground " Scar " Sierra groaned and i laughed " okay girl get on this bed now " Mum said we did " open mine first " Hannah said and i grad it giving it a shake " your going to brake it " she whined and both of our eyes widen i rip it open it was a tebby bear with a glass cup with it something was wroten in it said Happiness can be found even in the darkest of time if one only remeber to turn on the light i look at Hannah and smiled the last guy i dated was never happen he would never let a girl go so we ended it

" so open mine " Sierra said and i smiled opening this small box i gasp " blue earrings i love them Sie " i said hugging her she smiled " i got them for your party tonight cause well you sleep into 12 in the afternoon " she said and i laughed " my turn " dad said handing be a box and I smiled I ripped it open and smiled tear came to my eye this was a necklace with a blue wolf charm on it my wolf howled in joy I was never able to shift but I had my wolf with me talk me through everything I also saw a charm bracelet with the same blue wolf and I smiled " thank you papa " I said mum passed me hers and I smiled grabbing it i open it to see a amazing blue dress and I smiled " thank you mum " I said hugging her

" My turn " Spencer said and I laughed " you know your not suppose to wrap shoes right " I ask and he rolled his eyes " dad did the right your never good with wrapping " I said and he rolled his eyes " ok Scar time to get ready for your party " Mum said and i smiled nodded my head everyone start to leave HAnnah and Sierra look at me with smirks and i gulp

" remember we love you and we're doing this for your own good " Hannah said and my eyes widen " oh no not that anything but that " i said and Sierra smirk " come on Scarlett it's just a make over " she said and i back up

get your ass off the bed and run while their not in front of the door Cece my wolf said and i look around and then at the girl okay i'll try i said and got off the bed and ran towards the door and down stair " Scarlett aren't you suppose to be getting ready " mum said and i nodded " help me hind me do something order then to stop don't let them get me " i cried to my mum

" Scarlett what is going on " she ask and i was cut off " Scarlett it's just a make over " Sierra said and i look at my mum " i didn't have eyebrows for a week mummy order them to stop please " i cried and my mum laughed

" fine your not going to help i know someone how will and the girl will be scared " i said smirking at the girl " oh no you don't " Hannah said " DADDY THE GIRL ARE TRYING TO GIVE ME A MAKE OVER AND MUM NOT HELPING ME STOP THEM " i yelled and my dad came running down

" girls " he said look at my friends " sorry Alpha we won't do it again
we're sorry about what happen last time she move to much Alpha Chris we're so sorry " Hannah said and Dad look at me and i nodded " you good " he said walking away " that low calling the Alpha on us " Sierra said and i smiled " nice to know now lets go " i said pulling them to my room getting ready for the party

" the whole pack will be there tonight Scarlett " Sierra said helping me zip up my dress " i just hope i don't have an asshole for a mate " i said and Hannah look at me while doing my hair " or worse"

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