5. It's Now or Never Pt. II

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They arrived at the apartment, they were tired, had a productive morning and have solved everything. 

"Well, then let me prepared dinner?" Blaine asked looking at Sebastian. 

"Alright... I put the table" 

"Bash you have done everything for me.." 

"Don't have to thank me, you do not owe me anything. I know that, if things were the other way around, you would do the same for me" Sebastian hugged him rather quick before both go to the kitchen. 

Half an hour later, Blaine was preparing dinner, Sebastian grabbed a bottle of wine and seated on the table. They talked about what had happened when they didn't see each other. He was not rather finished and wanted to do something more for him. 

"Do you have anything do this night?" Sebastian asked. 

"No.. What do you want to do something?" Blaine curiously wanted to know. 

"We are going to do something, but first I need to go do something. It won't take long"  Sebastian said while grabbing the keys and heading outside. 

He drove the other side of the city, he wasn't sure if he was doing the right thing, or if Blaine would see it right? He was making all these questions while driving to his destination. While getting there he got out of the car and head to the apartment. 

Sebastian rang the doorbell, Kurt was doing stuff in the kitchen when he heard it, and a smile was quickly formed on his face, thinking it was his husband who had come back to apologized and to say that he rejects the role. 

But, he didn't know that when open the door he froze at the moment, in front of him, was the last person he thought to see. It has been years since both of them had seen each other, and Kurt was terrified that Sebastian appears the same day that he threw out his husband. 

"What are you doing here?" Kurt asked, cleaning his hands in the apron. 

"Believe me, I am not here to see you, I am here to pick up Blaine's things," Sebastian said, while he entered the apartment. 

"I won't do such thing, need to hear it from him... I'm going to call him" Kurt pick up his phone from his pocket and dial Blaine's number. 

The operator quickly responds that it was unavailable, and that's when he remembers that he broke his husband's phone. He hangs up and told Sebastian to go away when he saw him talking on the phone. 

-Nightbird, I came by to pick up your things, and Kurt doesn't want to give it to me... I don't why but he wants to talk to you.

Sebastian passed his phone to Kurt, He didn't like that Blaine talked to Kurt, however, he smiled when Kurt got angry assumed that Blaine was holding firm. As soon as Kurt hang up the phone he gave it to Sebastian. 

"He will come back to me, it's not our first break-up. If I were you I won't have any hope, you will not pass to him anything more than his lover." Kurt said with malice. 

"I have not been, am not and never will be his lover. If Blaine and I will one day be more than a friendship, will be to be a couple. Now, you tell me where are his things.. And by the way, don't try to call him"

Kurt frowned and he went directly to the bedroom, without looking back. He then got out everything of Blaine, out of the sudden he felt Sebastian beside him. 

"That's everything" 

"What about his bowties and shoes? I know that his clothes you have taken out, but some of it you have left it there cause it's too feminine for him. You don't care, right? However, just two pairs of shoes... and no bowties... come on, I want everything. I am going to ask him and if anything was left behind, I'll come back tomorrow and so on, until all his things have been taken out of here. So do us both a favor and give me everything, so we don't have to see each other again."

"And may I ask, how are you going to take all?" 

"My car is big enough, and there will get everything" 

"You have thought about everything, don't ya" 

"As I told you, I wouldn't want to see you again." 

"Blaine could also come, in fact, where is he.. this is all his things don't ya think he needs to help you" 

"Never. The next time you see him will be in front of a Judge" Sebastian smile. 

"That's what you think, we aren't going to divorce. Blaine will be here in a couple of days when he gets bored with you, you'll see" Kurt crossed his arms. 

"In your dreams...he knows what you have done and he will not be back with you. I will take care of that, he deserves better, I told you long ago..don't you remember.. " 

From there on, Kurt when to the kitchen, and Sebastian began packing again.

Kurt thought that his plan was going to work, leaving a few things of Blaine here.. He thought he might return to him later on. But I know that with one call, either of the guys will come to aid Blaine. 

Kurt had psychologically abused Blaine and that wasn't going to pass like that. My next step is convinced Blaine to go to the police and report him.

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