Chapter One- Bioterror Attack!

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I had my gun pointed at the zombie in front of me, hands shaking and tears falling from my eyes. Mr. could this have happened to you??

"...Stay right where you are..." Leon said, his voice shaking slightly. The zombie that used to be U.S. President Adam Benford was currently headed towards a secret service agent and I. I knew that I should put the poor man out of his misery, but...I couldn't! Whenever I looked at him, I kept seeing the face of the man who, just the other day, had hugged me, looked me in the eye, and told me that he valued my friendship! "Mr. President!" He said, as the zombie came closer to us. I tried to forget that this zombie used to be one of my closest friends, but I couldn't. I sniffed.

"Sir, please..." I whispered, my voice shaking with sobs.

"Don't make me do this..." Leon muttered, as he got closer. He was about to lunge at us. "Adam!" Leon called, as he shot the zombie. As I saw the body of....who used to be Adam on the ground, it was all I could do to keep from sobbing.

"Carter, are you okay?" He asked. I sniffed and nodded.

"Yeah...yeah, I'm okay." I said.

"This is all my fault...I did this..." The girl mumbled, and Leon and I looked at her.

"What are you talking about?" He asked. She wiped her tears.

"Tall Oaks Cathedral...I'll explain everything there, Agent Kennedy, Agent Carter." She said. Since Leon and I shared the last name, most people when addressing us, referred to him as Agent Kennedy, and me as Agent Carter, that way no one confused us.

"How do you know our names?" He asked, moving in front of me slightly. He was always protective of me. Our communicators rang then. The woman pulled hers out first.

"Yes?" The woman asked, and we looked over her shoulder.

"Hunnigan?" Leon asked. Hunnigan sighed in relief.

"Thank God you're all alright!" She said.

"How do you two know each other?" He asked.

"That's Helena Harper. She's been with the Secret Service since last year. I can't tell you how good it is to hear you three are alright! Especially in your condition, Agent Carter. Look, I hate to rush introductions, but I need a report on your situations." She said. Leon sighed.

"I...the President is gone." Leon muttered.

"What are you-" She started, but Helena cut her off.

"He had already been infected by the time we found him. Leon...Leon did what he had to. He saved mine and Agent Carter's lives." She said.

"God help us...Alright, I'll submit the report. You two just focus on getting the hell out of there! The virus has already spread three miles past the campus perimeter, and it's not slowing down. You need to hurry." Hunnigan said.

"Not before we check out Tall Oaks Cathedral. Agent Kennedy's got a lead that might tell us who's responsible for this." She said. Leon and I looked at her curiously.

"Leon, is that true?" She asked. He nodded.

"...Yeah. I think I might have something." He said. Hunnigan nodded.

"Roger that. I'll map out the safest access route. Keep your radio on." She said. We hung up then, and Leon looked at Helena.

"I got a lead?" He asked, and she nodded.

"You will if you come with me." She said. He nodded. Before we left, he knelt by Adam's body.

"Adam...I'm sorry..." He said. I gently placed a hand on his shoulder, and he looked up at me. When he stood, I kissed his cheek. He hugged me tightly, real quick, and then we both pulled our guns out, ready to escape. "So what's so special about this church? You have some sins to confess?" He asked Helena, as we began making our way out of the room. She sighed.

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