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"Okay hyung, are you ready?!" Hyunjin said excitedly as he grabbed Changbin's hand, dragging him over to the pool.

"I-I guess so." Changbin mumbled.

The pool was now closed for the day. Hyunjin asked his boss if he could stay for a little while, he said it was alright as long as he closed up.

Minho and Jisung were there too, but they were minding their own business doing their own thing.

Hyunjin went into the pool, at the shallow end then opened his arms for Changbin to come in too.

"Hyunjin I don't think I can do this." Changbin said as he was standing on the steps.

"Yes you can hyung, just come to me. The water is not deep here, trust me it's shallow, you can still stand."

The older slowly walked in until the water was a little bit higher than his waist and grabbed onto Hyunjin's hands.

The younger smiled. "See hyung, I told you."

"Y-yeah." Changbin said. He couldn't really say much because he was honestly petrified right now. Pools has been something he's avoided since he was five years old, so going in right now was a great accomplishment.

"I'm going to teach you how to float. That's all for today." Hyunjin said.

"T-to float?"

"Yeah, to starfish float. Everyone learns that when they first begin to swim" Hyunjin said.

"Okay crouch down so your shoulders are in." He started and did the motion. "Then put your arms out."

Changbin hesitantly followed and did what he was told.

"Now lean back."

"Lean back?!"

"Yes babe, lean. Don't worry I'll support you and put my hand on your back."

The older leaned back so now his ears were in the water.

The sound of underwater was not a comforting sound at all.

"Now put your legs up." Hyunjin said and placed his hands under Changbin's back for support.

Changbin lifted up his legs and it actually felt like he was floating.

"Keep your chest, hips and head aligned and you won't sink." The younger said. "I'm gonna let go."

"Don't let go." Changbin said.

"But you'll be able to do it. All by yourself." Hyunjin encouraged.

The sound of underwater and Hyunjin saying he was going to let go scared Changbin, a lot.

"My son! He's drowning!"

"Help him! Please!"

All of a sudden memories of when he was younger came back and he couldn't do it anymore.

He put his legs down so he was standing again and immediately hugged his boyfriend to calm himself down. He placed his head on his bare chest and listened to his heartbeat.


"I don't wanna swim Jinnie..." He mumbled.

"But why?"

Changbin sighed with his voice wavering, "When I was five I almost drowned in the pool, so ever since then I never went in." He started. "I guess you could call it childhood trauma, but now when I hear the sound of being underwater, it reminds me of the muffled screaming I heard from my worried mother and me almost dying."

Hyunjin hugged the shorter. "If I knew about this, then I wouldn't of pushed you so much to learn."

"No, it's fine, I need to get over it someday." Changbin looked up at him and smiled.

Hyunjin smiled back and gave him a kiss. "You can do it, I believe in you."

Changbin gave him another kiss. "I love you."


after 13 chapters hyunjin is finally teaching him how to swim yehet

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