I - chapstick challenge

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Male pov

I got my camera set up since i wanted to make a video with my boyfriend brendon "BREADBIN!!!!" he was in the kitchen obviously "what?" i finished setting up the light and head to the kitchen "im making a vid and i need you" i made a cup of coffee as he looks up from his phone and heads over to me he held me close and rested his chin on my shoulder "whats the vid about?" i felt his hot breath against my neck sending shivers down my spine "its the chapstick challenge" i turn around to face him he place his finger on my chin and lifted it up kissing me passionately he pulled away and dove right back in "fine ill join but i have little games for you" he smirked i just nodded we head to the living room and sat down on the couch same with Brendon i turn on the camera and started doing my intro "hey i am back guys and if you are to this channel i am m/n and this is my boyfriend Brendon Boyd Urie" i gave him a kiss on the cheek "and we are about to do the chapstick challenge so this is how the game works im gonna get a chapstick in this hat and ill put on and ill have to kiss Brendon ans he has to guess the flavor" Brendon pulled my face to his about to kiss till i pulled away "i haven't put one on yet" he looked back at the camera "oh i swear this is not an excuse to make out on camera" i laughed he did too "anyways Brendon will go first" i looked away and Brendon grabbed from the hat he showed the camera and put it on i felt a tap on my shoulder i looked at him "ok" he leaned in and i took his lips in mine i kissed back and licked his lips i held onto his neck while he holds my waist i pulled away and started guessing "need another taste?" he rested his head on my shoulder "cherry?" he grabbed the chapstick "its raspberry" i pouted he kissed me then pulled away "ok its my turn" Brendon looked away and i grabbed a chapstick this time i got pickle "this is gonna taste so weird" i apply it on tasting it making me cringe "ok face me" i looked down for a bit so i could close it but he pushed my chin up and peck me on the lips he pulled away gave another one he leaned back onto the couch "oh this is easy, its pickle" i gave a shock impression mixture with concern "ive been eating pickles lately" i shook my head "you're so weird"

~A few minutes later~

Brendon was in the lead on 10 and me on 5 it was his turn and we only had 9 chapsticks left i bought 29 of them some weee weird some i wanted to keep for myself and some Brendon wantes to keep so he could use it "ok we only have 9 left we might only do 5 cause this video is way to long" i turned around and he applied the chapstick and turned me around and immediately kissed me. But.... This kiss got heated very fast he held onto my waist pulling me closer i was on his lap at this point he slightly lifted up my oversized sweatshirt he pulled away "m/n time to guess" he smirked i didnt care and just pulled him back in for another kiss i closed the camera first then continued.

Yay first chapter done still no smut just chill smut is coming up anyways yeah goodnight, goodmorning, goodafternoon bye bye

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2019 ⏰

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