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Stevens POV

I woke up to the sound of my mom and dad fighting over the phone, they said something about money issues,but it didn't bother me much.. my mom seems more happy with Leles dad!

I got out of bed and went done stairs almost everything was in boxes, and there were realitor papers on the counter.

this all felt like a dream. me living with my girl friend!

my mom got off the phone.

"Steven you need to have all your stuff together and packed by tomorrow" her voice sounded tired.

"alright" I said and I went back upstairs I showered and let my hair do it's own thing. it was kinda messy but Lele likes it when it's messy, Idk why but she says I look sexy! so messy it is, I mean I wanna impress da bae;)

I got dressed some black skinny jeans and a grey Compton hoodie,representing da home town.

I was just about to check up on da scummies but then Amaris texted me.



Amaris:hey bruh da parties tonite bring your girl ok?

Steven:yea bruhh we gon come at 6:00

Amaris:ok see yea bruh

Steven:bye bruh

I was now done getting my stuff ready.

I texted Lele



Steven: hey babe😘


Steven: we need a new walkin plan I can't be pickin you up no more😫

Lele:yea babe how about we just meet at the school then?😔

Steven: ughh I guess we have to 😫❤️

Lele:Ikr! that's just some more time out of the day I don't get to see my pinche flacko💔😔

Steven:hey! don't put that cracked up heart babe❤️Remember Steven+Lele=forever💎👊

Lele:sorry babe and yes Steven+Lele=forever✌️✌️💕

steven:and one more thing before I leave bae🙌


Steven:ily so fricken much and i will do whatever I have to to keep us strong😘

Lele:babe your making me tear up😢

Steven: don't cry boo, Steven luh youuu😉💕

Lele:tears of joy😂😏❤️

Steven: alright gotta go💗

Lele:alright bae bye👌💗

Leles POV

walking to school alone was lonely.. I could've called Amanda or Chloe or got a drive but idk..

when I got to school Steven wasn't there yet, I waited at the benches where we usually go, I saw Amaris and amanda.

I ran up to them, Amaris started talking about the party, I mean I was exited but my hip wasn't feeling the greatest. it was almost all healed except I had a slight bruise but it wasn't noticeable.

"where's Steven??" Amanda asked

I just made up an exuse

"he had an appointment he'll be here soon.."

at least I hope I thought in my head.

"ohhh I see" Amanda said

the bell rang and I went to first period, Steven still wasn't there.

I'm usually with him all the time so everyone looked at me weirdly almost like I had two heads or something...

unknown POV

Awee isn't Lele having the worst time of her life

without Steven😚

he is having so much fun, messing around with that girl behind the portables😂

I love to see there relationship go down hill!!!

Lele doest even know what will happen next....and you'll just have to wait and find out😏


ok so sorry for the short chapter imma try to write like 10 chapters this week!! beacuse school starts on the second for me, I'll update agian later tonite🙌

please vote💕 comment feedback👌 and follow me😅

btw please don't comment bout my spelling errors ok thanks😚



or hmu on here👊❤️


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