| 20 | Hunting

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"Come on y/n-ah~"

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"Come on y/n-ah~"

I look at Eun and shake my head no .

"No , I have something important to do"

I said .

"No you don't , you never have anything to do"

Eun said .

"Why can't you just go with Soon Deok"

"Because I want you to go "

Eun said with a pout .

"It will be more enjoyable if you go too"

Eun adds . I sighed and was about to talk but he interrupted me by grabbing my hand and pulling me along with Soon Deok .

"Now let's go!"

I'm being forced to go hunting ...
Soon Deok stops as she smiles to the boy she was talking to yesterday.

"Oh! Eun this is my brother Mori"

Soon Deok say's , Eun was still holding onto my hand . The guy looks at Eun and bows to him .

He looks cold.

Mori was looking at me .

Eun noticed and quickly gets infront of me

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Eun noticed and quickly gets infront of me .

"Let's go now"

Eun say's walking still holding onto my hand . Soon Deok smiles and nods .

"Mori , come with us"

Soon Deok tells her brother , he nods and walks along with us .


I sigh and sit down .

"Eun , I'll watch you from here . Yeah , yeah go on"

I said as I layed down on the grass . I closed my eyes . I smiled as it was peaceful

"Y/n! Come over here!"

Euns voice sounded excited . I sigh and stand up . I walk to Eun

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