Hogwarts! AGAIN! Meh.

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When they had left, I noticed everyone staring at me strangely. "What?" I asked. They shook their heads, and I had a feeling they had noticed the little exchange between me and George, not just Pansy. I hoped not, though.

"Hayley, I just don't think you should be getting too friendly with them. Really. I mean... Listen, just don't get too close, alright?" Blaise asked, looking up at me hopefully.

My humour faded. "Who're you to tell me who I can and can't be friends with?" I replied icily. They seemed taken aback and they watched me as I summoned my uniform to me, their eyes widened in surprise at my skillage in the hillage in the village, and I stormed out, my previous happiness subdued by their prejudice. Pansy followed. When the door had closed I turned sharply to Pansy. "What?" I snapped. She seemed a bit shocked at my sudden hostility. I sighed. "Listen, Pans, I'm sorry. It's just... I hate how you guys are so quick to judge a person, ya know?" She nodded understandingly, but she still looked a little offended. "Listen, why don't we talk in the bathroom while we change, 'kay?" I motioned to everybody staring at us, most likely because of the earlier scene with the tarantula, and I think they stayed because of my foreign accent as they all began gaping at me whenever I talked. Retards.

Pansy nodded, and she followed me to the bathroom, but she had forgotten her robes. I summoned them to us and we walked into the bathroom.

Later on I told Pansy I had a small crush on George, to which she screamed like a little girl, even though she disapproved of my first crush. She then told me in return that she had a HUGE crush on Draco, and has had since she can remember. When we finished changing and talking about Gorgeous and Draco, trust me, 'gorgeous' so does NOT describe BOTH of them, we walked back to the compartment.

"Took you long enough," Teddy grumbled.

"Just because us girls care more about our physical appearance than guys, especially in front of an entire school, doesn't mean you have to get upset about it," Pansy said.

"But don't begin to care, 'cause people might start to think you're gay." I smirked. "And trust me, Pansy and I won't mind encouraging that rumour. Cough-Draco-cough." Everyone except Draco, as usual, burst out laughing.

"I'll get you later, Hayley. Trust me. For everything you've done and said on the train," he said darkly.

 "How much damage could a girl do to a guy on a train ride?" Wimp.

 "When it's you," he muttered, "aLOT."    SMIRK!

 "Is that a compliment?" I said, feigning surprise.

 "Don't count your chickens before they hatch, Lee," he said, quoting Gred and Forge from earlier.

 "Bet you STILL don't even know what that means!" He blushed and looked away, mumbling to himself. Knew it.

 A voice echoed throughout the train once again: "We will be reaching Hogwarts in five minutes' time. Please leave your luggage on the train, it will be taken to the school separately."

I looked up to all of my friends and saw that some were shaking with nerves, and some had paled considerably. Even Draco, oh-so-brave as he is (note the sarcasm), looked even paler than usual.

The train slowed right down and finally stopped. We pushed our way toward the exit and out on to a tiny, dark platform. Compared to the bright lights of Hogwarts up ahead, I was surprised that the platform was so dim. We all shivered in the cold air and huddled together to prevent from freezing. Then a lamp came bobbing over the heads of the students and a voice bellowed,

"Firs' years! Firs' years over here! All right there, Harry?" Hagrid's big hairy face beamed over the sea of heads. I recognized him from Diagon Alley. Blaise, Teddy, Vin, Greg, Draco, and Pansy all pulled faces in his direction and I pulled a face in theirs.

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