Chapter Nine

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The night following the argument, he made me sleep on the floor. I was freezing again, the whole night. He always kept the window open even though there was a blizzard outside. I don't understand him. He can control his body temperature why have the window open?

In the morning I was woken up quiet rudely. He was yanking at the chain almost dragging me. "Get up. I don't have time for this today"

"Why do I need to get up?"

"Doctors visit. Let's go" he then pulled me up by my arm. I groaned at him pushing him away.

"What for?" He stayed quiet as he broke off the chain.

"Strip and get dressed. I don't have to explain myself to you" I only scoffed at him and his attitude.

I took a glance at the clothes he laid out for me. Finally something I can cover up in. A hoodie and another pair of leggings. I waited for him to leave and then got ready.

I used the bathroom, then stared at the mirror. Now there was dried blood still on my face. I sighed going to wash it out, hissing in pain as the wound was still open. I don't heal that quickly. I looked under the sink, nothing to cover it up with. I sighed walking out exactly how I was. He raised a brow at me, seeing the scratch on my cheek.

"What are you looking at?" I snapped.

He rolled his eyes, grabbing on the back of my arm to push me forward. He was leading me for my so called 'appointment'. We got a few glances at. He only smiled at everyone who went by and greeted them, turning their attention away from me.

He then grabbed the hoodie part over me, just to cover my face. I kept my gaze to the floor and noticed the floor had changed as we seemed to get to the farthest side of the castle. He released his tight grip on me then his arm snakes around my waist. Does he want to make us seem more presentable or something? Not make me look like a prisoner?

"Where is Dr. Gonzalez?" He asked one of the nurses politely.

"Down the hall to the left, last door of the hallway on the right side sir"

"Okay thank you" he then gave a smile to her.

She smiled back then looked at me in concern. I glanced back down avoiding her gaze as he began to bring me to this doctor. I knew we made it to the room when he aggressively pushed me inside and there was a man there. He looked up from his clipboard, his expression the same as the nurse from earlier, concerned.

"My King you were not scheduled for another hour. Is this an emergency?"

"Well Doctor no. I'm sorry to disturb you this early but this is urgent. I really need you to run the test on her, I really do" the man only sighed motioning to the bed.

"Go sit" he ordered.

The King then pulled off the hoodie to reveal my face. I only glared at them. I sat down and sighed. Wait what test?

"Okay Ma'am you are...Claire...correct?" I nodded softly. His pen then went under my chin lifting up my face and examining my cheek. He scoffed. "Great way to treat your mate. You wanted me to check this too yes?"

The King growled at the response almost as if he was embarrassed by the second part. Not like he actually cares

"Keep going with it doctor" The doctor knows we are mates.

I'm assuming he is the only one other than his mother that knows right? Not everyone who was staring at us in the hallway right?

"Alright miss are you hurt anywhere else?" I shook my head, I'm not gonna bother telling him about my wrist. I fear I'm going to get yelled at again.

"Are you on any medications?" Again I shook my head, no. "Are you sexually active?" I could see the King tense up a bit. Let's have some fun with it.

"Do you mean recently or currently as in the last few days I've been here?" Then I could feel the Kings eyes on me, just burning through me.

"Within the last two weeks should suffice..."

"Then no I haven't sir" I'm going to be in trouble later but, I couldn't give a rats ass right now.

"Okay. Well. You know why your here?" Again I shook my head, no. "You're here for some blood test to see if your really human. Your charming mate is questionable of your genetics. There is a possibility you are a runt. Rare possibility but something he is willing to test" my eyes widen at both of them, looking between them.

"You are not putting a needle in me if that's what your thinking. I'm human, 100% and that's all you need to know"

"I'm sorry Ma'am. I'm only doing my job. Please don't be difficult" he put the clipboard down, going to a box full of gloves.

He started to put them on then began to pull out a needle from a separate box.

"I said no. You can't just force me like this!"

"Actually he can't but I can. You are doing this" the King stepped in. He was now next to the bed, standing over me.

"You can't force me to do jack shit either" his eyes only narrowed at me and the doctor froze. I'm suspecting no one speaks to the King like that ever.

"Do you want me to hurt you again? I will hurt you again, did you forget about Caleb?" I then was grabbed, he grabbed both of my arms.

I tried to get out of his very strong grip but the doctor already got to me. He put the needle in me taking out some blood. I hissed and he was done putting a bandage on it in no time. The King released me. I only glared some more.

"Alright sir. This will take at least a day so please give me time"

"That won't be a problem Doctor. Thank you for your time" suddenly the doctor touched my face on the scratch mark. I hissed again, pulling away. He sighed, cleaning it lightly then putting a bandage over that as well.

"Keep on your meds. Right King?" The King only growled in warning. The doctor didn't seem to mind as he went back to his work.

"Let me know when those results get back in doctor" the doctor then responded with only a nod. The King then grabbed at me again, making me stand up.

"Try not to bruise her King. You will just regret it later" the King then mumbled something under his breathe. The doctor narrowed his eyes at him and we left. Well I was forced to leave, as usual.

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