"Get in the car," Happy orders and I mock salute in the memory of how Happy used to be towards me.

"Of course sir," I say and break into laughter when Happy just smiles.

I jump in the back as Happy gets in the front and starts the car up and pulls out. I was nearly jumping in my seat in excitement and I hear Happy chuckle in the front.

"You are going to jump through the roof again if you keep doing that," Happy points out and this reduces me to fidgeting.

When Mr. Stark told me we were going to London I jumped so high in the car that my head went through the roof with the force, not the most pleasant thing in the world. The ride felt as if I was going across the country but was only ten minutes with the traffic.

When the car pulls to a stop I jump out of the car after thanking Happy and then sprint into the building but a woman calling after me stops me from taking the elevator straight up to the penthouse.

"Mr. Parker! Mr. Parker!" She yells trying to get my attention and I stop and turn around.

"Yes, miss?" I question politely coming towards her as she came to me.

"Mr. Stark has asked that you go to the tenth floor today," she says and I nod.

"Thanks," I say and walk into the elevator.

I ride up to the tenth floor just as Mr. Stark asked and my jaw drops when I enter.

The whole floor is now a series of cooking stations and what tops the crack is Mr. Stark talking to none other than Gordon Ramsey.

I slowly walk forward as if this is a dream but it feels very real.

"Uh, hi?" I question not knowing what else to say.

"Hello," Mr. Ramsey says in his British accent.

"Pete there you are!" Mr. Stark all but yells.

"Mr. Stark, what is going on?" I question looking between the two.

"You told me that you wish you could have a food war in real life with me so I arranged this," Mr. Stark says as if it's the most normal thing in the world.

"I meant in the kitchen upstairs," I point out and Mr. Stark laughs.

"Well now you have an uneven amount of judges, now all that is left is what to wager?" Mr. Stark questions looking at me.

"What do you want?" I question and Mr. Stark grins.

"You have to come to all of my meetings for a month," Mr. Stark says and I scowl.

"Fine, if I have to possibly go to all of your meetings then I want you to live one day like a normal person and that includes where you sleep so that means sleepover at my place!" I say pumping my fist in the air.

"Fine, you have a deal," Mr. Stark says holding his hand out to shake and I do so.

"Now that you two are done deal making how about you get to cooking?" Mr. Ramsey questions and I give a sharp nod.

"What are the rules?" I question cocking my head to the side.

"Since this is inspired by a Japanese anime I think Japanese cuisine will be the center. Beside that it can be anything you want, it could be a main course or a side dish," Mr. Ramsey says and then looks down at his watch.

"You will have two hours and your time starts now!" He yells and a buzzer makes me jump into gear.

I run over to the pantry where there is so much food it could feed the whole tower. I start grabbing things and placing them in the basket hanging on my arm.

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