Chapter 5

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Adonis's POV

While she went to go answer the door, I called Aries.

Aries: Hello?

Adonis: Aries where are you?

Aries: At home. Why?

Adonis: I need you to come pick me up. I'll send you the address.

When I hung up, I looked at myself in the mirror and saw my wounds healing. Shaking my head, I walked out into the living room.


"Oh I see you finally decided to come out.", Kiera smirked.

"Anyways this is my bestfriend Aloni. Aloni this is...", she trailed off.

"Adonis Moreli", I answered.

"Nice to meet you and your name does fit you.", Aloni said while shaking my hand. I nodded getting what she was saying.

"You as well Ms. Aloni.", I flashed a smile and kissed her hand.

Knock! Knock! Knock!

"Who could it be this time?", Kiera whispered under her breath.

"Um hello, I am looking for Adonis. Is he here?", I heard Aries ask.

"Ah yes he is. You can come in if you'd like.", she said with a polite smile.

"You ready to go?", he asked while staring at Aloni.

"I am but are you?", noticing his change in behavior. He suddenly walked over to her like I knew he would.

"Hi, I'm not sure we met. I'm A...", he was cut off.

"Aries Castellanos. The man who owns multiple business around the world and is known for being a playboy.", she finished leaving Aries stunned at her information about him.

"Wow I see you've did your research. And you are?", he asked a little bit more intrigued.

"Aloni Brown. I am a kindergarten teacher.", she said prideful.

"Ah so you love kids?", I watched as they got to know of each other.

I looked over and saw Kiera watching the news. The storm looks like it's letting up a bit which means that I have to leave soon.

"Kiera, I want to thank you helping me. I really appreciate it.", I said getting her attention.

"Um yeah it's no problem. I would've did it for anybody being the whole nurse and all." she chuckled lightly.

"Well Aries and I should get going. Hopefully we'll see each other again."I said signalling Aries.

"Yea hopefully. Goodnight.", she sung and closed the door.

Goodnight love.

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